I have been looking for a replacement for my DS2 controller. My son has smashed it on the floor one too many times. I have tried a few, but they just s**k for GT4. I tried both the wired and the wireless Logitech controllers. The wired ones buttons were to stiff. I like to use the d-pad buttons for steering and after a few minutes my fingers got cramped, also it seems that the buttons were not precise and were giving improper inputs. The wireless one just did not respond good enough. The sensitivity for the buttons was terrible. Now I tried a wired Pelican chameleon. This one had great button response but the ergonomics of controller was terrible. Whenever you try to use the d-pad buttons your thumb rubs and pushes on the analog sticks. I also did not like the step down of the R2 and L2 buttons.
Unless someone has a suggestion for a controller the works as good or better than the Sony, then I'll just get another DS2.
Is there any difference in the colored ones vs. the regular black one?
Unless someone has a suggestion for a controller the works as good or better than the Sony, then I'll just get another DS2.
Is there any difference in the colored ones vs. the regular black one?