Am I the Principal Wage Earner? | Unemployment Application

  • Thread starter Keef


United States
Dayton, OH
GTP Keef
I'm reposting this question from the Premium forum:

My unemployment application is asking me the question "When employed, are the the principal wage or salary earner is your household?". I'm not dependent on my parents, and am an adult. I don't contribute to the family fund. Sooooo.....yes? This sounds like a question to trick dumb people so the government doesn't have to shell out as much cash.

I'm terribly confused by this question. I must have just had a blond moment while I was reading it or something. My parents and I have been discussion this for 10 minutes now, and I still don't understand what I'm supposed to answer.

Household means "the people of a house collectively; a family including its servants." Principal means "first or highest in rank, importance, value, etc." Literally, I am one in this household of three, and am not the principal bread winner. But my mom, who has experience in dealing with health insurance claims and whatnot and my father tell me that because I am a legal adult and am not dependent on my parents that I am the money maker of my household; myself.

I'm very suspicious of this question. Has anyone answered it before or does anyone know exactly what it's asking for? Who is trying to cheat here, the government or me?
Check the IRS website.

I believe this question is asking if you support others, but I could be wrong.
But, by living in your parents house surely that places you under their household.

Unless you are a legal tennant then you are dependant on your parents for shelter/heating/utilities etc. tennant...
My dad says "Yes, you pay rent. Trust me on that."

Of course, I don't, and if I did it wouldn't be through a legal binding contract.

I can't find anything useful on the IRS's website. I must be misunderstanding terminology somewhere. A Primary Wage Earner must be a parent--I have two parents. Also there is this quote, "A child* is deprived of parental support or care when the principal wage earner (PWE) in a two-parent household becomes unemployed. The following criteria determine who is the PWE: • The PWE is the parent..."

Yes, I have parents. But I am not a child; I'm an adult as far as the law in concerned.

* - My own emphasis
Well unless there's a solid statement of fact that will hold up under scrutiny stating that you recieve no financial aid in any way from your parents, I would suggest not saying you're the PWE.

Unless, of course, you want to try and screw the system.
...screw the system.
I understand your point, but I must say half-jokingly that I have a right to screw the system because my employed tax dollars helped support the system. :lol:
I understand your point, but I must say half-jokingly that I have a right to screw the system because my employed tax dollars helped support the system. :lol:
You don't want to know how many times I've justified the prospect of hurting someone because, "Hell, my taxes* go towards the NHS so I've already paid for them to get medical attention".

*I pay VAT and fuel duty :P
It seems to me that this is a crap way of basically asking you if you are a “dependent” when you file taxes, but I dono.
^That's what I think. Keef, it doesn't sound like you're the principal wage earner in your household. If you pitch a tent in your parents' backyard, and call yourself a squatter, that might work :lol:.
It seems to me that this is a crap way of basically asking you if you are a “dependent” when you file taxes, but I dono.
It must be a super crap way. Filing my taxes was easy. No, I'm not a dependent, and it was as simple as that. I went nearly all the way through the application, and it never asked me if I was the owner or if I was a tennant--just where I lived and if I was the PWE. But I would still like to understand the question and what it's asking, so I can go back to it before I submit.
The following criteria determine who is the PWE: • The PWE is the parent..."

Doesn't sound to me like you're a primary wage earner. I think it means you're supporting others. My guess would be that you'd need multiple dependents to be a PWE. Again, not sure.
It must be a super crap way. Filing my taxes was easy. No, I'm not a dependent, and it was as simple as that. I went nearly all the way through the application, and it never asked me if I was the owner or if I was a tennant--just where I lived and if I was the PWE. But I would still like to understand the question and what it's asking, so I can go back to it before I submit.

You say you're not dependant on your parents. Do they claim you on their tax return? If so, then yes, you are. Even if they don't, unless you have a lease and have your own metered utilities, you're not a separate household, even if you're not financially dependant on your parents, and even if you split the utilities with them. That means you're not the primary wage earner, because you're a member of your parents' household.
I suppose so. On my parents' taxes I was not a dependent, but I believe now that I'm not the principle wage earner. I reread the question after a break last night and I didn't come up with any objections; I didn't even remember my original complaint. I've come to the conclusion that I am very skeptical of my government and have little faith in them! :lol:
Do they not have a helpline to contact? Or a Citizens Advice Bureau, if you get them stateside.
But, by living in your parents house surely that places you under their household.

Unless you are a legal tennant then you are dependant on your parents for shelter/heating/utilities etc.

I do believe he is right

I understand your point, but I must say half-jokingly that I have a right to screw the system because my employed tax dollars helped support the system. :lol:

Yours and everybody who lives here ( legally ) in the states , put it to 'em , and smile as you are doing it.