Amended: 300mm f 2.8 IS lens and other goodies

  • Thread starter AMG.


Staff Emeritus
NL, Leiden
I'm thinking of getting both these lenses as I'm not entirely happy with my current 170-500 zoom lens (soft).
I've read a number of reviews on the internet but they "sound" as if they've been written by Canon salespeople or persons sponsored by Canon if you catch my drift.
Unfortunately dpreview (I trust them) only discuss camerabodies, not lenses.

1 Does anyone here have experience with either of these.
2 Does anyone have experience with this company in the US?
Even better if you have experience AND have ordered via the web AND do not reside in the US. Do you know a cheaper / better (US) store.

It seems B&H have the best (cheapest) deal I can find.
To give you an idea.
B&H price is USD 5500 (for the 500mm f4)
Price here in NL is USD 7941 (Euro 5500)
Price in UK (Jessops) USD 11041 (GBP 5680)

I'm thinking of getting both these lenses as I'm not entirely happy with my current 170-500 zoom lens (soft).
I've read a number of reviews on the internet but they "sound" as if they've been written by Canon salespeople or persons sponsored by Canon if you catch my drift.
Unfortunately dpreview (I trust them) only discuss camerabodies, not lenses.

1 Does anyone here have experience with either of these.
2 Does anyone have experience with this company in the US?
Even better if you have experience AND have ordered via the web AND do not reside in the US. Do you know a cheaper / better (US) store.

It seems B&H have the best (cheapest) deal I can find.
To give you an idea.
B&H price is USD 5500 (for the 500mm f4)
Price here in NL is USD 7941 (Euro 5500)
Price in UK (Jessops) USD 11041 (GBP 5680)


Sample image archive for 300/2.8 IS

Sample image archive for 500/4 IS

Here's an interesting review of the 500/4 IS from someone whose other posts on the forum make me feel that they're trustworthy.

B&H are repeatedly praised by the members of that web site, although I have no experience of them personally. Just verify the tax implications of importing it before you press the button.

I hope you've got a good, sturdy tripod. The 500 is by repute a beast.
F1gtr, thx for the links!

Here's an interesting review of the 500/4 IS from someone whose other posts on the forum make me feel that they're trustworthy.
hmmm, very interesting read, bookmarked! thx for that. :)
Another site that gives me a good feeling and he responded fast to my queries is

I hope you've got a good, sturdy tripod. The 500 is by repute a beast.
Yep, but I'll have to invest in a different "head" system as I'll need to invest in a Wimberley Tripod head to carry the beast.

Whilst browsing the above website I saw a link to a UK based company. I sent them an email to ask if they had the 500, their response was, no but they're working on expansion.
Have you or anyone else heard of them?

If they claim to cater for professionals why only sell 5 Canon lenses??
or is it perhaps a "it fell of the back of a lorry" company. (Am I being paranoid:nervous:) If they really are good then a trip to the UK will be made soon as they're even cheaper than buying from B&H. Almost wants me make to book a P&O ferry tonight.

There are lots of Canon users here in the UK buying from a guy called Kerso on eBay, just ask to see if he has the lenses in stock:

I'll second that. You'll get a better deal and better service if you register at (links above), and send Kerso a PM. Mention that I sent you (I use the same username over there). I bought £5k-worth of stuff from Ian in 2007, which I collected from his family's house in East Central Scotland. If you got the Zeebrugge-Rosyth ferry it would bring you to within 40 miles of where you needed to be. I'll shoot him a PM and see what the current prices are if you like.

EDIT: This (redacted for obvious reasons, full data available via PM) from Kerso:
Hi Giles , Thanks for your enquiry.
Prices away from Ebay are:
500mm F4 IS £3400
300mm 2.8 IS £2450

All lenses have 1 year International warranty.
Payment options are:

1.Bank transfer to Ian Kerr, Abbey Bank, account <details supplied>,
2.Cash over counter to same account.
3.Cheque payable to Ian Kerr, <address supplied>
4.Paypal to <address supplied> with 1.5% charge on sale price - I can send paypal invoice on request.
5.Cash on pick up (by appointment only)

Let me know which option you choose and remember to send me your full postal address.

Further Edit:
Whilst browsing the above website I saw a link to a UK based company. I sent them an email to ask if they had the 500, their response was, no but they're working on expansion.
Have you or anyone else heard of them?

If they claim to cater for professionals why only sell 5 Canon lenses??
or is it perhaps a "it fell of the back of a lorry" company. (Am I being paranoid:nervous:) If they really are good then a trip to the UK will be made soon as they're even cheaper than buying from B&H. Almost wants me make to book a P&O ferry tonight.

I wouldn't buy from them. First, they have a couple of lenses that have been out for at least three years in their "new products" list, and secondly the site looks like it was knocked up by an amateur in FrontPage. At best they're a startup firm, at worst... Either way, I wouldn't trust them with a four-grand lens purchase.
Giles, thx for the info, he quoted same prices to me. Yes the other shop sounded very fishy.
Now need to plan how to get the stuff here. Either via a nice trip that 'll include The UKGTP9 trip or something separate.

I'm glad I raised the questions here. You and F1 have been a real help, and I now have definite confirmation that Jessops is way overpriced!

Well it has been a very long and drawn out process (early March - End Apr) to get my equipment from Flash Camera.

I have had to repeat everything at least two if not three times. I'm not sure what Ian does with received emails. It seems he deletes them on receipt and then asks via email what you need. That was part of the stress he caused.
I was in the UK from Saturday up to Thu morning. As I had ordered quite a lot he was going to ship in 2 parcels. I asked him to ship out previous week so I would have it all upon entry to UK. Alas that didnt happen. He then on Monday said he couldnt ship because it was too large (1 package) and would ship out on Tue in 2 packages, huh?? My nails had gone by then....

In the end I recieved all the goodies on Wednesday and suffice to say it was my 50th, Sinterklaas and SantaClaus all coming on 1 day. I havent had the chance to test it all out as I had to prepare for return home.

Would I recommend Flash Camera again...... yes, despite all the hassle of resending the information over and over again and the nailbiting delivery time.

So you're perhaps curious as to what I bought then....
Wimberley sidekick SK100 **
Wimberley P30 lens plate
Wimberley P5 camera plate
Canon 70-200 IS f2.8
Canon 300 IS f2.8
Canon 1Ds III

** was a great help with reviews and he even helped me out when I questioned him on the Wimberley stuff....

Till now I used a Manfrotto ballhead with hexagonal Quick release plates. These are now obsolete. I have been trying forever to find a shop that actually has the Arca Swiss Z1 single pan Quick Release plate ballhead.
I stumbled (on the web) upon Bob Rigby in Bollington UK. He had 1 in stock, suffice to say he doesnt have one now :)
He delivered fast. Ordered on Tue and arrived on Wed.

The Z1 sits on top of a Markins TB20. The TB20 sits on top of a Gitzo G1227 carbon fibre tripod. I removed the short centre column. The big advantage of that is that I can now get much lower when needed.

Of course I now need to order another 2xP5 and P20 plate so I don't have to switch plates on Cameras and lenses.

Glad to hear it all worked out finally. The 300/2.8 is just about the only lens I'm lusting after at the minute. I kid myself that I want a body with a faster frame rate, but it's simply not true. Even though at a recent motorsport event I went to I set the Drive Mode to Continuous, I just never used it. I'm not a "holding the button down" kinda guy. So that puts me back to lusting after a 1Ds III. :(

Received wisdom is that Kerso is better at responding to Private Messages through POTN than his e-mail.
Glad to hear it all worked out finally. The 300/2.8 is just about the only lens I'm lusting after at the minute. I kid myself that I want a body with a faster frame rate, but it's simply not true. Even though at a recent motorsport event I went to I set the Drive Mode to Continuous, I just never used it. I'm not a "holding the button down" kinda guy. So that puts me back to lusting after a 1Ds III. :(

Received wisdom is that Kerso is better at responding to Private Messages through POTN than his e-mail.

The 1D (Mk II) has the high framerate 10-11 psec. The 1Ds is 5.6.
The 1D is now my backup/2nd lens camera.
Loads of Mk II models are now being sold 2nd hand....

Framerates are overrated.
Even with the cheetah hunt that I shot in Kenya I set the 1D to Slow continuous for fear over overloading the buffer

The 1D (Mk II) has the high framerate 10-11 psec. The 1Ds is 5.6.
The 1D is now my backup/2nd lens camera.
Loads of Mk II models are now being sold 2nd hand....

Framerates are overrated.
Even with the cheetah hunt that I shot in Kenya I set the 1D to Slow continuous for fear over overloading the buffer


Yeah, if I were to go mad and buy a 1d III, it would likely see less overall use than my current 5d, because I love the FF so much. We're planning a safari in 5 years or so, so I'm thinking about my gear bag. The thing with a fast frame rate is that if you want to catch a sequence you're less likely to miss the absolute killer moment.

So, for my safari, I'd like a 1D III and a 300/2.8, to add to my 5d + 70-200/2.8. But I can't see myself doing it, to be honest. It would be better to buy the lens and rent the body for the duration. I think that the 5.6fps of the 1Ds III would be good enough, but I can't see the financial controller signing that one off! :(
I would like a D3 and a 400mm 2.8, I'd get both 9fps and full frame. :P