AMG Challenge Beginner from silver to Gold???

  • Thread starter Redfox22
Hello, I can´t get gold in this challenge, I have all settings off, besides ABS=1I managed to get gold in sector 1, but in the others I am at least 2-3 seconds from gold, even when I can´t see where I can go faster.

I managed to get bronze on all the Vettel Challenge, so I consider myself an okay driver.

But this challenge is killing me, anyone know of an "easy" way to be beat the times in sector 2-3-4 and the full lap??

I have watched a lot of videos of people getting gold, but its always SO close, and I am trying to take the same lines as them, but it just doesnt help.
Try to optimize driving. Don't follow the driving line exactly.
You can use the two wheel option in a lot of corners. That means you can drive through the grass with 2 wheels, and have the other two on tarmac. Try to keep speed, don't slow down to much, and try to find out the max speed for each corner.
There is no magic. Practice, practice, practice. While watching replays pay attention to corner speed. When I was doing these I found the best drivers were able to go a few MPH faster on many corners. That is all that is needed between gold and silver. Try to carry as much speed as you can around the sweepers and practice different lines through combinations to find what works best. If you haven already, turn off the driving line. When learning a course it is helpful. Once familiar with a track the driving line actually slows you down.

Personally, I found 3 and 1 to be the easiest. I still haven't been able to gold 2,4 or the complete course
Basically what the two people above me said. I am having trouble with them too, but sometimes when I have time I sit down and practice a lot and eventually I get some done. I golded all 4 I think. Only the full lap left.

Also this isn't a race report. Should be in the Q&A section I think