An idea for the penalty system.

While I respect that making a good penalty system can be difficult, especially when you consider that in any incident you're going to have two people who both think it is the other person's fault, I am dismayed that we're slowly moving closer to allowing all but the hardest of hits.

I have an idea for PD that may help - let the post-race lobby serve as a judgement panel.

Implement 2 things;

A system to count the amount of times a car is involved in contact with any other car during the race.

A "report" function in the post-race lobby.

If during the race a single car racks up more than 5 initiated impacts with other racers AND in the post-race lobby has at least 5 racers "reporting" them, they get a 24 hour ban.

This way the dirty drivers that can't race clean are removed by the people they actually impact. If someone gets repeated bans or challenges it, PD cab review it!
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