An idea on Sportsmanship rank.

United States
United States
Edit: meant sportsmanship rank, not driver rank. Whoops!

So iracing has a similar system. I’m still stuck in E and that is mostly based on where I end up for qualifying. About mid pack. In iracing, the really smart guys purposely tank the game. They aim for last place, let the whole field go by, and then run their own race without conflict. This raises those online ranking.

My question, since gts qualifies me based on my best time, can I just sit like a duck on the starting line until the field blows by me, and will my car turn invisible during that time so I don’t get penalized with morons hitting me?
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Try it out, although I imagine anytime you ghost out I’d say it goes against your ranking in some form. Plus in the higher ratings ghosting does not occur.
Honestly, I think that is overkill. Just run your race conservatively and your SR will go up. It's based on averages so it may take a couple races, but even in races where I get rear ended a couple times my SR goes up by the end of the race.
Try it out, although I imagine anytime you ghost out I’d say it goes against your ranking in some form. Plus in the higher ratings ghosting does not occur.
Well I would only use the tanking method to get out of “E” class hell. The amount of wreckage is pretty brutal some races. The only time I’ve had a good clean race is when I dominated the n200 in the Mazda. I qualified 1st AND finished first both times, yet I still got rammed from behind by some loser on turn one, when he realized his talent wasn’t on par with my greatness, and that dinged me.
Honestly, I think that is overkill. Just run your race conservatively and your SR will go up. It's based on averages so it may take a couple races, but even in races where I get rear ended a couple times my SR goes up by the end of the race.
Are you serving any penalties? That one has me confused. It’ll penalize me, do I slow down for that? Does that affect my DR? Or just race results?
DR is iRating but hidden in GTS. In iRacing im pretty comfortable at 1800 but only race Porsche CUP.

Im already D in GTS after few clean races in GR3
Only advice I can give is to concentrate on your safety rating to begin with. Raise that and you should be put with other drivers who have shown they can race cleanly. Then once you are in lobbies with cleaner drivers you can concentrate on increasing your driver rating.
Are you serving any penalties? That one has me confused. It’ll penalize me, do I slow down for that? Does that affect my DR? Or just race results?
Well, if you are racing conservatively hopefully you won't have any penalties to slow down for. But that is a good question, I'm not sure if the slow down penalties contribute to your SR or not?
Well, if you are racing conservatively hopefully you won't have any penalties to slow down for. But that is a good question, I'm not sure if the slow down penalties contribute to your SR or not?

I’m pretty sure Time penalties for cutting corners result in a negative SR. And I think after 2 time penalties in a race any further ones will result in a negative SR too regardless of what they are for.
Oh right sportsmanship rank, not DR. My bad. WHAt often happens is I get punted from the back end, go off course, and the game gives me a few second penalty. I’ve ignored a few and served a few. I’m good on the front end of my car, I have done track days and autcross regularly, so vehicle dynamics are easily controllable for me, but it’s the 10yr old behind me that gets me. If I can get out front with the really fast pack I generally don’t have issues. Unless latency drops, and then everyone’s car does weird things.