An over looked fix for handling problems in your everyday vehicle.

United States
Fresno, CA, USA
**Pro tip, if your real life car will not track straight regardless of number of times it has been aligned (2 or 4 wheel) or the amount of new parts you throw at it, ask the tech doing the alignment if you can sit in the car when the do the alignment. I sometimes have to do this as I'm a light weight. I have also been told stories of heavier people having to do this as well. Cross reference the average weight of the person from the time period of your vehicle with the country your car came from to see if this a plan for you. +/- 15 pounds your weight should not be a problem. Much more you will want to consider this option.
Don't forget to fill it up with fuel too. 10 gallons (imperial) of the good stuff is just about 70lb...