Anger boils over Egypt ferry tragedy (AFP)

Again, why is it that in the East, whenever something bad happens a mob have to burn something down?
Because there are reports that the captain took one of the lifeboats all to himself and abandoned the sinking ship, and that several crew members locked passengers in their cabins so they wouldn't have to fight them for the remaining lifeboats. If something happened like that here, people would be rioting too.

Be careful about your stereotyping.
Anderton Prime
Because there are reports that the captain took one of the lifeboats all to himself and abandoned the sinking ship, and that several crew members locked passengers in their cabins so they wouldn't have to fight them for the remaining lifeboats. If something happened like that here, people would be rioting too.

Be careful about your stereotyping.

Even so, that's why there are laws & law enforcement. If it happened in Britain there wouldn't be raids on buildings. It would be taken to court & investigated.

There have also been no confirmed reports that the above actually happened.
That's exactly the problem. There have been no "confirmed reports" at all. People's loved ones and relatives are missing (likely dead) and no one will tell them anything. You can't compare such a situation happening in Egypt to it happening here, the system is just not as advanced over there.
I wasn't comparing them. It's just the mentality of the people. Everything that happens seems to end in something being burned down.
Basically, that's what happens when you have a lot of angry poor people who've just lost their loved ones and sometimes breadwinners.

This should be merged with the other thread.