Ann Coulter, psychological construct: Id.

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Man, this lady is something else. She is such a b-word. On top of that, she is also what I like to call a book-whore. She writes her stupid books hoping that people will drop money on extremist jargon. I mean, every single quote, comment, and literal iniative this woman creates is slander towards others. She even says women are incompetant... which is funny, because, it proves both her hypocrisy and her statement (assuming how comfortable she seems to be with herself). I don't know if someone so ignorant should be the author of a topselling book. She might as well be a fascist. It's dangerous...

Anyway, now she's attacking 9/11 widows...even going as far as attacking those who aren't crossing her political agenda. Just because people have opinions about current conservative policies, (and, a LOT of people seem to :lol: ) it doesn't give, in my opinion, Ann Coulter any right to single out, specifically, 9/11 widows and attack them. I think Ann must've been neglected as a child or something. She shouldn't be criticizing something she can't relate to. I don't think she could even have the potential to be a widow, unless killing yourself before getting married to her counts for anything; I know I would.

So, I'd like to know what GTP thinks of this primal demonspawn of a woman, and her ugly publications.
Just because people have opinions about current conservative policies, (and, a LOT of people seem to :lol: ) it doesn't give, in my opinion, Ann Coulter any right to single out, specifically, 9/11 widows and attack them.

Nope. The First Amendment does though.
Well, I consider myself a fairly moderate conservative, and I am a member of the GOP so my opinion may seem a bit strange...

Ms. Ann Coulter is someone who I respect as a leader in the conservative movement, but many of her ideas are far too right of me for me to really concern myself I suppose. Although I do agree with some of her ideas that she has mentioned on shows like "The Factor" and "Hannity and Colmes," there have been plenty of times that she looks like a lunatic when she goes up against another leftist just as insane as herself.

There are always going to be extremes in every party folks, like it or not. Howard Dean and Nancy Pelosi are good examples of the left, and Ms. Coulter and maybe Trent Lott on the far right.
Nope. The First Amendment does though.

:D Knew I'd get that. She just seems to have moral issues with the way she goes about exercising her rights. Without morals, she would be an Ann Coulter, not a bitch.
baaaaaaah ...she's a NUT JOB...a right wing nut job...but a nut case no the ? The other side is not much of a differance ?

so whats your point ? ...She's nuts ? ....OK ... so what ??
I'm with ledhed, kindof.

Ann is trying hard to push some paper. The more controversial the better in terms of getting knowledge of her book out there. The least you can say about her is that she knows how to get the attention of the press. If she attacks 9/11 widows it makes the news, people write threads about it, and public awareness of her book increases thereby increasing sales.

I was given one of her books as a gift, and having read some of her work I have to say it's extremely weak. She uses the most paper-thin arguments and draws conclusions intended to spark controversy.

I'd suggest that if you don't like her, do as I do. Ignore her. She doesn't have any credibility anyway.
I havent read any of these books you speak of, but they sound very... hypocritical.
She IS a woman, how can she say women are incompetent?
I know a lot of women who are more competent then most men I know.
It really depends on the person, not gender, race, or education.
Rogue Ssv
I know a lot of women who are more competent then most men I know.
It really depends on the person, not gender, race, or education.

Those two sentences contradict each other.
I think she's a sad case. Insane, lonely and starving for attention. The last time I saw her on TV, I knew she had completely lost her mind. She didn't look or sound good. Yikes. :nervous:
Those two sentences contradict each other.
No they dont. What Im saying is it IS possible, and in fact probable for women to be as competent as, if not more competent than, men. But it really depends on the person and their thoughts.
she has really skinny legs and a a funny face...but she is a blonde ..I guess thats a plus..I just wish the right could get a nicer looking nut .
she has really skinny legs and a a funny face...but she is a blonde ..I guess thats a plus..I just wish the right could get a nicer looking nut .

Yep. Like France:


On Ann, I really do think that's a waste of human cells... or at least of air time.
Rogue Ssv
I havent read any of these books you speak of, but they sound very... hypocritical.
She IS a woman, how can she say women are incompetent?

I would be surprised if she said all women are incompetent, in which case you're right, but if she said or implied that some women or even most women are incompetent (presumably in their jobs) than this doesn't prove that she sees or infers herself to be competent or incompetent, though presumably she thinks herself to be competent.

I think her views on women and women's suffrage are more because women tend to vote and support Democrat and obviously no sensible, competent person would vote for anyone but the GOP.

People may agree or disagree with her views, but I think everyone can agree she uses outrageous rhetoric and hyperbole in debates, the result of which has made her a well-known pundit and critic of political and social liberalism, a pretty regular guest on Hannity & Colmes and other Fox News programs and made her more than a few bucks too I'm sure. Personally, I take her views with a grain of salt.

I remember when she said [paraphrase] that Canada should be thankful and feel lucky that America hasn't invaded yet and owes America for protecting us all these years - a response to the Canadian decision to support the war on terror by sending troops to Afghanistan, but not involving troops in Iraq. Oh btw, Ann hates Canada. Why? Because they speak French. :)
Yep. Like France:


On Ann, I really do think that's a waste of human cells... or at least of air time.

whoa...thats a right winger ?

ummm not that i would care...👍

cripes wonder the French break our stones...if all we got is Ann....cripes ...

Actually, that is Ms. Ann Coulter with Mr. Sean Hannity. Both of them are pretty high-ranking conservatives, and both of them love to tag-team on his show.
whoa...thats a right winger ?

ummm not that i would care...👍

I have no clue. Incidently, a large portion of the French population have absolutely no clue about what today's news are, or pretty much anything else going on in the upper right corner of the screen.
I would be surprised if she said all women are incompetent, in which case you're right, but if she said or implied that some women or even most women are incompetent (presumably in their jobs) than this doesn't prove that she sees or infers herself to be competent or incompetent, though presumably she thinks herself to be competent.

I think her views on women and women's suffrage are more because women tend to vote and support Democrat and obviously no sensible, competent person would vote for anyone but the GOP.

People may agree or disagree with her views, but I think everyone can agree she uses outrageous rhetoric and hyperbole in debates, the result of which has made her a well-known pundit and critic of political and social liberalism, a pretty regular guest on Hannity & Colmes and other Fox News programs and made her more than a few bucks too I'm sure. Personally, I take her views with a grain of salt.

I remember when she said [paraphrase] that Canada should be thankful and feel lucky that America hasn't invaded yet and owes America for protecting us all these years - a response to the Canadian decision to support the war on terror by sending troops to Afghanistan, but not involving troops in Iraq. Oh btw, Ann hates Canada. Why? Because they speak French. :)

Rogue Ssv
No they dont. What Im saying is it IS possible, and in fact probable for women to be as competent as, if not more competent than, men. But it really depends on the person and their thoughts.

It's probable that women are MORE competent than men???

That's awfully sexist. It contradicts this statement:

It really depends on the person, not gender, race, or education.

If it doesn't depend on gender, why are women PROBABLY more competent than men?
Ann Coulter makes Rush Limbaugh seem like a clear-minded philosopher.
Ann Coulter makes Rush Limbaugh seem like a clear-minded philosopher.
Rush is a regular Socrates compared to her :lol:

Is it just me, or has there been a sharp increase in crazy far-left/far-right people in the last 4 or 5 years?
Someone needs to Aaron Burr this hoe.

Hmm, Aaron Burr killed Hamilton in a duel, so while I get what you mean, it doesn't really make sense if you think about it, McKinley or Hamilton himself is perhaps a better choice.

Chris Parnell in SNL Digital Short The Chronicles of Narnia
You should call me Aaron Burr the way I'm droppin' Hamiltons

In any event, why should anyone bother with her? She's a very very conservative (socially and politically) pundit, not a policy-maker, not a law-maker. I'd worry more about lawmakers, especially senior ones who can steer bills through committees and who chair committees, or policy-makers and cabinet members like Rove and Rumsfeld than Coulter. Not even Fox News anchors agree with what she says.
Hmm, Aaron Burr killed Hamilton in a duel, so while I get what you mean, it doesn't really make sense if you think about it, McKinley or Hamilton himself is perhaps a better choice.

In any event, why should anyone bother with her? She's a very very conservative (socially and politically) pundit, not a policy-maker, not a law-maker. I'd worry more about lawmakers, especially senior ones who can steer bills through committees and who chair committees, or policy-makers and cabinet members like Rove and Rumsfeld than Coulter. Not even Fox News anchors agree with what she says.

Wow. Someone should Aaron Burr (as in, kill, drop, shoot in a duel) this hoe. Your way would make sense if I said "She should pull a Hamilton." (drop dead, get assassinated; shot in a duel)