Another story from me. Including american muscle. *PART 2 POSTED*

  • Thread starter HiQQory
Red car, blue car, green car. Thats all i could think of when i drove home from my dads funeral, the doctors said he had calmly slept away, with no pain. How is that supposed to make us feel better? i remember thinking.

Back then i didnt really think of cars as anythig else then a form of transportation, as the Oil-light in my Acura flashed, i just thought bah, damn expensive nature-destroyer, now i change the oil when it doesnt even need it, ive found a new way to look at cars.

All this started when i got home from the church, and started looking through my dads documents, dont even know why, because we knew he had not made a testament. I loved my dad very much, we were very close, so i probably was just looking for comfort.

All the papers and pictures brought a lot of memories to my mind, but then i dug deeper into my dads cardboard box and found some of his stuff back from the 60´s, mostly LP disk´s and some pictures of him with some girls. Then this one half-ripped pic caught my eye.

It had some old American muscle car on a drag-strip, my dad always told me about how he raced all his youth, burning rubber and blasting down the strip. This must´ve been his car. As i turned the pic around, my believes were proved right, on the back of the picture it said "My Pontiac GTO" And an address. The little boy in me woke up, along with my curiosity, and i decided to visit the place the address would take me to.

"What the **** are you doing on my property?!?!?" An old man came out of his house shouting.
"Im sorry, but i just wondered if you knew a person called Mark House?"I asked
"Old Mark? Well i be damned, how is he?"
"He passed away a week ago..."
"Oh, im sorry, but who the heck are you?"
"Im his son and im here because of a picture that had his old car in it, and the address of this place written on the back."
"Well then, follow me!"

He led me to a big, old, warehouse, that had all kinds of things in there, then the old man dissappeared in between and old tractor and a big pile of car parts. "Hey, move the old transmission case between the toilets and blue crates, so i can make a good looking entrance."
As i moved the metal-lump i heard a starter engine whine, and soon after that a lumpy v8 idle filled the warehouse. Lights flashed and my dads old Pontiac rolled out between the junk.

"Ive kept er like a baby, your old man told me to give it to you if you ever came to look for it, and since your here, well, catch." he threw me the keys and led me to the cockpit of the big american muscle car. Only things i really can remember of that magical moment was the fact that i fell in love. With a car.

After i had called a tow truck to tow the Pontiac back home, i started researching for information on Pontiac GTO´s. In roughly two weeks i felt i was ready to look under the bonnet of the car and actually understand something.

*To be continued, i gotta go eat*
This is on a good way to become something really good, do we have a new trend beginning here? :P

- R -
After a loong check-up for everything to work, i came to the conclusion that as the old man said, he had kept the car like a baby. Only thing that it needed changing were the tires, so i bought new, more grippy, street slicks for the car shoot down the straight with. Ofcourse some parts needed a bit of refurbishing and paint.

The first few runs were done near my home, illeggally, on the streets. As a new to all this racing, going-fast stuff, first runs were slow, compared to the cars real abilities, but to me, it seemed as i was blazing faster then anyone else ever before.


As my skills grew, my affection for the car grew stronger every-day i drove it, it may have had a bit of an harsh ride, because of the suspension, the gearing isnt really desingned for low MPG, nor is the engine. I started to feel what i think my dad had felt when he owned the car, and that brought dad that much closer to me, even now that hes six feet under.


In honor of my dad, i decided the first run after the new awakening of the car, to be done on the same track where the photo that led me to this car was taken, In Las Vegas, baby.

Glamour, movies, casino´s, Speed, anything you can ever want in here, on this one place, i thought as i sat down on the drivers seat, and rolled the Pontiac to the start line. As i looked around and saw everybody staring at me, i realised how scared i were, not if id crash, but because of the thought that my dad drown down the same road some 30 years ago. I squuezed the steering wheel with my knuckles white, sweat dropping on my pants from my forehead, First light on, revs rise to 5000rpm with the slight press of my right foot, lights come on one by one, last one, revs bouncing off the limiter, Green, with the gas pedal pressed against the floor, the car moves ahead, tires loose grip, spinning until second gear, the car leaps ahead and starts gaining speed unbelievably fast, The 4-slot automatic drops in third gear, speed keeps growing, finish line ahead. Fourth and final gear locks in, gas hard pressed on the floor, FINISH, hop on the brakes, the big lump o´metal vibrates a bit as the speed drops down to zero.


On the way home, i check out the result-papers, wiht the final time being 13.676 with the top speed of well over 100mp/h, the fastest iv´e ever gone in a car, and probably will be, Drag-racing aint my thing, i´ll leave it to the younger generation, me being the 30+ thinny office-worker, trying hard to earn his living. The car will pass onto my children, who will hopefully have as good of an experiment as i did.


*Look at it, It´s winking at ya!*
I said i went eating, otherwise i would´ve written it completely at once...

I might write some more, not probably at teh same subject, but something else, if and when the inspiration comes... For this story i thougt of the Muscle car era drag cars that had front higher then rear, i wanted a car like that, it had to be kinda boxy and other kinda stuff i had in mind, this aint the perfect match to what i was lookign for, but close enough. Then i thought of a story, and decided to write it here. :)
Another nice piece of work, and great photos. 👍
Sadly it's come to soon after your first report for me to give rep points to at the moment. :(

You might want to edit the "H" off meh in the title though. ;)
It's more than likely a geniune typo, but it looks a little too "txt spk"! :P
I said i went eating, otherwise i would´ve written it completely at once...

I might write some more, not probably at teh same subject, but something else, if and when the inspiration comes... For this story i thougt of the Muscle car era drag cars that had front higher then rear, i wanted a car like that, it had to be kinda boxy and other kinda stuff i had in mind, this aint the perfect match to what i was lookign for, but close enough. Then i thought of a story, and decided to write it here. :)

Oh, sorry I missed that. I would like to read more this car, I don't know, maybe you decide to take it to a race or something, or maybe a continuation of the kids getting the car and racing it.

EDIT: +rep for great write up.
I don't really know what to say HiQQory, that is one of the nicer things I have ever read ... and I don't mean just here at GTP. Yea there may be some spelling an grammar errors but it really doesn't bother me, the sentiment is crystal clear. I do hope the "inspiration comes" again sometime.

Save the replay, go to replay center place, and play the replay. As the replay is playing, press Selecet. And after taht you should figure it out yourself.