Another win for terrorists

  • Thread starter milefile
Dumb asses.

This is why I haven't been to a nightclub in 4 years. Not for fear of getting trampled, it's that everyone goes to have a good time, yet so many people put their egos on stun and go nuts.
The speculatin at this point is that the pepper spray was usd by club security to control a fight between two GIRLS :odd:

That club will most certainly go under after the city finds it liable for all those deaths due to inaddiquate escape routes (fire exits).
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
The speculatin at this point is that the pepper spray was usd by club security to control a fight between two GIRLS :odd:

That club will most certainly go under after the city finds it liable for all those deaths due to inaddiquate escape routes (fire exits).

Yeah, I could see that, but you also have to admit that the people in there must've been really retarded to start a stampede just because some guard breaks up a cat-fight...
The building was full of pepper spray,... I would want outta there ASAP. Have you ever sprayed a small amount of mase or pepper spray indoors? I doubt it, cause then you would know what kind of destuction just a small squirt can cause in an enclosed area.

Those people were in seroius pain, and they did what anyone else this day in age would,.. think it was a chemical weapons attack, freak out, and dash for the nearest exit to save their ass.

I must also point out that our Gov. allows these building owners to stock massive amounts of alcohol and feed it to hundereds, even thousands of people in mass quantites. Alcohol, as we know, has a major impact on a person judgment and motor skills. You can't call these people idiots for running,.. though you might have an argument for that because they were going to drive home that way.