Ive come here to ask for advice, what are really some games that I should play to turn the time waiting for GT5 and GT Mobile into nothing, Iam so excited about Oct 1st this year for GT mobile, and now whenever I get up in the morning the first thing I really think of is GT mobile and how many days left until its launch, seeing that ive been waiting for a new GT that long I have expected this feeling, but now that I keep thinking about it, the days seem longer, so i have come here to ask what is one game, yes one game that will last me 2 months, i have got, LBP, Ferrari challenge, GTA 4, Uncharted, Resis... 2, R&C TOD & QFB, Spyro, GT5 prologue, Killzone 2, Bioshock, Motorstorm PR, Mirrors edge, Lego indiana jones, Wanted, F1 CE, Simpsons game, Kayne and Lynch, Stuntman, Beijing 08 what game do you recommend? something that will nearly keep my wait for GT mobile not so long, I cant imagine how I will react to when we here GT5 is comming in a few months.