Any hope for TT2 still?

  • Thread starter mjm23race
United States
I always come to these forums for gt5. I never really looked at any of the other forums, so I was really excited to find a section about TT. I thought I was a rogue soldier out there wanting TT2 or to have bikes incorporated into GT5. It is good to see my wolf pack has grown.

Anyways I would love to see a decent motorcycle game on Ps3 and I think PD would have to be involved for that to happen.

I work for an American "Superbike" team After many contacts getting bounced around Sony USA I finally spoke with someone involved with PD. I was wondering if there could be some sort of partnership or mutually beneficial marketing deal. For those of you that are unfamiliar MJM Motorsports / 23race are owned by basketball legend Michael Jordan. I thought that might entice PD to partner up for some great marketing exposure, but all I got was a response that Sony / PD have no current plans for any motorcycle platform.

Hopefully they were just blowing me off. I still have hope for TT2 but I am realistic at the same time.
I'd love to have it implemented in GT5 and some extra tracks for bikes. But i'm also being realistic about so hopefully in GT6
If it is going to happen, it has to include the Isle of man track and other road racing circuits.
Having the TT might make people throw the game out the window.
I have TT Superbikes and it only has 2 tracks, the TT and Billown, it is one of the hardest, most frustrating games that I have. You actually have to practice if you want to make it around without falling 100 times, on a 125...
They have so many tracks at their disposal with GT5, I kind of doubt they would create a 37 mile track and try to get the license for it. I would not be bothered by not having Isle of Man. I would be happy even if they had a bike pack as an add on for GT5.
.....It is good to see my wolf pack has grown......

... " YOUR wolf pack " 8()

haha nice try..

thanks MjM.. for lending yur energy.. to this side of the planet ..
it seems to be a ghost town over here no one is showing the Two Wheels any luv.. CMON PLANET..

anyway ... chek this out..

the only game so far thats getting a passing grade from me is SBK X ..
its an ok game for the time being ... ( its no tourist trophy )
the learning curve is a BEEE-YOTCH..
but once you get the hang of it ..
it will satisfy yur ps3 motorcycle urges..

HEY KAZ.. ?!?!?:nervous:


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SBK X was awful! Graphics were good, but the Physics were horrid. MotoGp 08 was ok, but is pretty outdated. The best of all time was SBK01, and Tourist Trophy. SBK01 was pretty good even by todays standards, how can companies go backwards from where we were 10+ years ago? Seems like no one really cares to make a Motorcycle game that is fun to play and has decent physics. They want to make it pretty and sell a ton of copies. But if they made it pretty and had decent physics they would sell way more. I don't think anyone realizes that or cares enough to put the effort into making a decent motorcycle game. It looks like this year there won't even be the lame obligitory new version of MotoGp or SBK.

Kaz, please get passionate about this and change our world! Call me
Actually i thought moto gp was crap..
the physics were crap..

SBX-X is good i give it a ( B- )
you should pick it up.. the online is up. but no one is ever on there

i just started using the right stick as my gas pedal ..
makes it alot easier to control-expecially in the corners
the pressure sensitive x button aint workin ..on SBX..

i do think TT2 is coming
polyphony made a toilet bowl full of money ( lol ) on gran turismo..
and they gotta do somthing with it..

cmon TT2 cmon... yO.. kAz..:indiff::crazy::sly:
They have so many tracks at their disposal with GT5, I kind of doubt they would create a 37 mile track and try to get the license for it. I would not be bothered by not having Isle of Man. I would be happy even if they had a bike pack as an add on for GT5.

I imagine the licence will be extremely easy to get. The income the IOM receives for the TT and the Manx grand prix is what is keeping the races alive. Anything that can give them a bit more international exposure will surely be welcomed.

As for someone recreating the track, this guy has worked on his own for many years and from what I hear is putting the finishing touches to the track. If he can do it on his own, then a company like PD with their resources can certainly do it. But please, don't harass him about it. He's invested a lot of his own time and money into this track, so understandably, he's not going to rush through the final stages if he's not happy with it.

And it won't be too hard for your average member of the public. They can always utilize GT style driving aids. I'm sure that having the TT in the game would only increase sales. I remember some friends who didn't like driving games buying GT4 purely because it had the Nurburgring.
A bike DLC for GT5 would probably be more realistic than a TT2, even though we would all rather see TT2. Somewhere I read that Kaz was interested in putting bikes in GT5 at one point, but having bikes and cars on the same track (collisions, etc) sort of threw him off. Even a DLC with just a few bikes and some new bike only A-Spec events and possibly seasonal events would be great.
Actually i thought moto gp was crap..
the physics were crap..

SBX-X is good i give it a ( B- )
you should pick it up.. the online is up. but no one is ever on there

i just started using the right stick as my gas pedal ..
makes it alot easier to control-expecially in the corners
the pressure sensitive x button aint workin ..on SBX..

i do think TT2 is coming
polyphony made a toilet bowl full of money ( lol ) on gran turismo..
and they gotta do somthing with it..

cmon TT2 cmon... yO.. kAz..:indiff::crazy::sly:
Agree to disagree I guess. I thought all of the motogp series was crap except 08. SBK X was marginally ok. Braking was what was unacceptable for me. It felt like I was taking a bread truck into a corner at 100+ mph not a nimble superbike. Shouldn't have to start braking way way way before every turn. I have ridden a real race bike at speed, and the braking power / braking distance is very good.

Kaz TT2 please!

p.s. what is with the haters in the GT5 section. Someone posted a thread about TT2 and it got locked, so I posted a thread asking why a TT2 thread got locked in the Q&A section. Mine got locked as well. They said there is a TT section of the forum and since TT isnt GT it doesnt belong and creates "clutter". I was just making the point that TT2 could very well be part of GT5 or GT6 as an add on. Depending on what Polyphony decided to do motorcycles could quite easily be part of the GT series. A discussion in the GT5 forum would get a lot more exposure and response than a forum for a game that is 5+ years old. In my original post I stated I didn't even know there was a TT forum until a few weeks ago, and I visit here everyday.

To me clutter is when there are 5 different threads about the same topic, and there is plenty of that and none of them get locked.
The point is, TT has it's own section, therefore discussion about TT should go here and not in the GT5 section.
MJM.. i feel your pain..
thee admins.. locked my thread also..
i can definitly understand about putting certain topics in ther place
(without order theres ANARCHY ) but cmon...
wy the hating..
if you put up a topic..
6 comments outta 10 will be ..." this topic belongs elsewhere .."
cmon ...
all we need is your support until the game comes out then you can shudddup.. lol

then ill be hitting a wheelie crossing the finishline just infront of....

MJM, TRIUMPHTT900, AND F1 FAN ... :ouch::gtpflag:
I'll be hitting a wheelie crossing the finishline just infront of....

MJM, TRIUMPHTT900, AND F1 FAN ... :ouch::gtpflag:

Yes but you had your transponder mounted in your tail section, and I had mine in my fairing so I will get scored with the win. Maybe next time?!
dude.. go out and pick up SBK X no one is racing on there..

it will passify us until the eventual release.. of TT2
I have sbk x, I just cant stand playing it. I spend most of my time playing GT5. I won't bother with another game unless something good (driving or riding) comes along. Then I will have to split up my gaming time.
TT2 would be great, but I could deal with some motorcycle DLCs. I doubt will get either.

See you guys at Road Atlanta in April mjm.
I have sbk x, I just cant stand playing it. I spend most of my time playing GT5. I won't bother with another game unless something good (driving or riding) comes along. Then I will have to split up my gaming time.


i hear yu..
i went out and got the first SBK released i think in 'o6.. same year as TT..
and the graphics are better than SBK X
hey kaz.. cmon help us ..please..

i will say this though..
i can definitly appreciate those who have the ,
" yu kno wats "
to ride these beautiful machines
(my fav is the yzf 1000 street)
im under 6mins at Nurburg( gotta double chek my time )
... waat im really saying is yu got BALLS ..
riding these in real life..
ive heard and seen tooo many bad things as a result of these bikes..
and jus cant muster up enuff yu no wat:nervous: to get on one..

SO KAZ cmon man 8)
im ready to ride.. ( at least virtually )

ps3 i.d. ( DOK-NONIMUS- )
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Yes, but my point is that motorcyles could quite easily be part of GT5.

But they aren't. Which is why your thread was locked. I play GPL a lot and the GPL section on GTP is almost dead. But you don't see me making GPL threads elsewhere.
But they aren't. Which is why your thread was locked. I play GPL a lot and the GPL section on GTP is almost dead. But you don't see me making GPL threads elsewhere.

C'mon... F1..
if you wanted to create more buzz about something
( motorcycles, an official dragstrip w/ christmas tree.. )
and you knew the forum you were in was dead
you would put it somewhere else to get'um talking..
jus like we did ..
now your here..


it worked..
I never saw your thread. I never post in the GT5 section anyway unless I see an interesting topic on the front page. The reason I am here is because I saw a thread titled "any hope for TT2 still?" on the front page. I am interested in a TT2, but I gave up on the GT5 section long ago.

So it didn't work.
your here.
and still talkn about it ..
and your checkin back to see what i said..
so it did work..

jus go and get, " SBK X " ..
and meet me at phillips Island..
to settle this..

no more talkn about where topics go.. LET'S RACE

or are you :scared::nervous: !!!!!
Actually, No I haven't checked your thread. I agree that this conversation is a bit of a waste of time, but my point still stands. I am interested in TT2. That is why I opened the TT subforum.

And no, I'm not scared. But just now I'm in Japan and my PS3 is in storage in the UK.
If any of you are looking for a decent bike game then check out Riding Spirits 2. It's got a great selection of bikes all of which are tuneable. If I remember correctly it even had the early Suzuki GSV-R. There were bikes from the late '70s such as the Honda 4s and Kawasaki triples. It's not as polished as TT, but handling is much better than later Moto GP and SBK games. It's a PS2 title.
^^ No offence intended, but I bought a PS3 to play games using the latest technology and get the most out of my gaming experience, not to play ps2 games.
Well, as you mentioned that you played TT, which I thought was a ps2 title as well, I thought you maybe interested in others. I was obviously wrong!