I hate B-Spec. 👎 What's the point of a racing game where you don't even have to drive yourself!?

It's just a cheap way to get all the prizes quickly, like Hun said.
I know what you mean. But some people just can't play those races, likely because of their parents. Remember, not everyone is over 18 or 21. Us "kids" can't do whatever we want (or at least we shouldn't). I got some bad grades this year. Know what kind of deal my mom did to me? I have to study one hour for each hour of computer or PS2 (which basically means GT4, I don't play anything else on the PS2). Do you really think I'm in the mood to study 24 hours?

EVEN if that deal didn't existed, my father (after 9 hours of GT4) would tell me "You have been playing all day long. Turn it (PS2) off, you will play tomorrow. After all, that's all you do. You don't even study." Yeah, I know, most people don't live as good as I live. I don't have many things, but I know people that don't even a home, so I don't complain at all.
Anyways, those who use B-Spec for everything are the ones I'm against. Really, how hard can a 6 lap race be?
You are talking about prizes, right? I doubt "Kaz" will make them that easy to win. Personally, I don't care about a trophy which is that easy to win, since it doesn't really prove anything. If he wants to add it, I'm okay with him. I'm about 88% complete of GT4, and I have had it for two years.

As long as it is entertaining, I'm cool with it.
