Any one have any idea when the full game will be out

  • Thread starter rabbitude
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I am sure this question has been beat to death but does any one have any recent news that would indicate when the full GT5 game will be released.
I am sure this question has been beat to death but does any one have any recent news that would indicate when the full GT5 game will be released.
If you're so sure, why are you creating a thread on it instad of using the search function?
at the rate they usually do........nov of 2010

i really believe that too.

I think they're just gonna keep updating gt5p till then.
the end of the world is due in 2012 so hoppfully gt5 will be out before 2020 :scared::crazy::nervous::ouch:
Don't be so sure. A lot of writers manipulate the "evidence" of it to support their claims of what's going on or what's going to happen. There's a hell of a lot we don't know about the Mayan civilisation, so there's no way we can even be certain that's what the calendar means. The notion that the apocalypse will strike on that date is very much a New Age spirituality thing, and a lot of mainstream Mayanists - people who have studied the culture and so on - reject it.

For all we know, the Mayans made that calendar to mark the end of a cycle and didn't make another one because it listed a date six hundred years after their culture was destoryed, so they saw no need to begin another because they wouldn't need it for centuries. Then the Spanish came along and conquered South America.
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