any suggestions on how to make your b-spec driver less of a total retard?

I don't know if this is universal however my driver constantly spins out cars, and almost always clips the grass initiating a spin or tries desperately to drift around corners instead of properly attacking corners. Is this happening to anyone else or did I just choose a god awful driver?
I've been using an AWD ('90's Subbie STi) car on some of the lower level races to build his level up (level 7 now). It's been working pretty well for me so far, it seems pretty impossible for him to spin out in something like that.
yeah i think the problem may have been that you picked an aggressive driver, my first guy never spun unless i paced up to high, but my second driver is a little hot head and spins everything, countersteering at the worst possible times and initiating drifts that are just pointless. i would have to agree that a mild powered AWD is the way to go to fix that guy
I reckon my driver had a dream of becoming a drifter when he was young. He's got an even heavier right foot than me! I dealt with him by literally loosening the LSD so he couldn't throw the back out.
You just have to man manage them extremely well, it sucks that you can't just leave them to drive because in high traffic they have a tendency to drive like a bat out of hell, whereas on the other hand with no traffic around they drive like an 80yr old that can't see over the dashboard properly.

The key is to allways keep them at medium pace, then you can't go wrong. Having said that when I chose my drivers I made sure their chatacter was dead in the middle of cool and hot! Another trick is to also tell them to "heat things up" at the start of the race in order to get clear of the field and get some fresh air. But this depends on the power of the car you are driving and the level of your driver. At anything below five this strategy is futile and you just have to struggle through events until you get your driver to a higher level. My drivers are now level 22, 23, 24, 20, 22 and 21 and they now have no issues with being "steamy under the racesuit" and can sustain racing at maximum speed.

But it's not all fun and games at maximum speed, tyre wear is immensly high so my biggest tip is to only race at medium pace, unless you realy need to get around someone or are that much faster that you can afford for your driver to drive so slow he turns to ice.
I've been using an AWD ('90's Subbie STi) car on some of the lower level races to build his level up (level 7 now). It's been working pretty well for me so far, it seems pretty impossible for him to spin out in something like that.

My driver spun out a couple times in my awd Subaru. I put a smaller turbo on and he seems to control a tad better. Between 300-400HP is still over kill for the low level B spec driver....(imo)
My drivers rarely do the mistakes you people complain so much about, and all of them have hot characters(over 90% into red). I basically give them the best tires for each event, and give them a car just barely better than the competition, with a weight reduction or two. The only races I had problems with so far were the Daytona Races with Sports Trucks and the Historic Car Cup in Monaco. In this cases just give them the best car possible with full upgrades and move on. I'm lvl17 in b-spec and so far I failed to see the constant retardation you people get so frustrated about. Yeah, they have some crashes from time to time. Sometimes because of bad management. Sometimes due to Physical/Mental Strength. But all in all B-spec is easy.
I have a very cool driver but he still screws up a lot and won't be too aggressive out there. I generally have to give him a decidedly faster car so he can win. Give him too fast of a car and he will spin it all over the course - lol. So far I am level 9 with this driver.

If you start a new driver - do all the golds on the races reset? Or you can just race them and get the money but not the car rewards again.
If you start a new driver - do all the golds on the races reset? Or you can just race them and get the money but not the car rewards again.

You only get the prize cars once, if that's what you mean. So you re-do the races for the money/exp.
You only get the prize cars once, if that's what you mean. So you re-do the races for the money/exp.

That is what I thought. Why create new drivers? Are there races that actually require more than 1 driver - I am still in the amateur races in B-Spec.
That is what I thought. Why create new drivers? Are there races that actually require more than 1 driver - I am still in the amateur races in B-Spec.

In extreme you use 2 different drivers because their strength drops quickly over longer races. In endurance (from how far I've gotten), you pick 4 drivers and swap them out while pitting. You can also set your pit strength to be how low you will allow their strength before you make them pit and switch out.

Example. Pit strength at 90, your driver will pit when he hits 90 or below strength... sucks. I usually use a 20-30 pit strength so if they have to come back in during the race they're not burnt out already.

But as far as making drivers "less totally retarded", ALWAYS use the highest and softest tire available for them to race on. Racing>Sports>Comfort and Soft>Medium>Hard. They will drive SO much better when you give them the best tire available.

My drivers are 24, 23, 23, 23, 22, and 21 Hot-Cool and everywhere in between.
I have a "hot" level 17 driver, he drives even better than me :D

At early levels you should try to keep them cool, later on they do better when they drive with red.
I had to go through multiple classic cars for the super car nostalgia cup, and finally I just gave in and bought the (woops!) Ferrari BB, which he would still spin out, even if he was in the neutral mood zone. However after several times of exiting and restarting the race he finally won.

Alot of things that bother me is that my driver is extremely hesitant to overtake another vehicle, or will ride another cars ass for an ENTIRE straightaway, or will neglect to entirely use late braking techniques or using a turn to his advantage.
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There is a testarosa in this game? Not that i have seen :P.

Ok tip get any drives let em race get some xp period win or lose is experience for the driver and the car they driving in, get their levels up. Unlock any of the open oval tracks you can enter any car in. Put your noob drivers in any kind of high hp car, if it has got some downforce even better. Race them on the oval the highest level oval you got, In any car that will dominate the race, and pace them up, even when they exhausted mid way 3/4 through through the race, keep hitting pace up in the straights till the race is over, boom loads of experience for the driver, quick and easy.

I have leveled up level 0 drivers on the like the wind oval in the minolta or the FGT. Their levels skyrocket since they racing and winning races far above their level.
I have 2 cool drivers, and 2 hot drivers. Im currently Bspeccing the Formula GT with one of my hot drivers and he is doing well. I tend to use my cool drivers on twisty circuits, and leave my hot drivers on the tracks with long straights or ovals. My hot drivers only need babysitting right at the beginning of a race to get em out front, whereas my cool drivers need constant attention.
the issue I have is that my guy will NOT come off of what the computer deems as the best driving line.
Ae would just assume ass-rape the guy in front of him 7-8 times than just go around him, no matter how many times I "suggest" he pass.

my guy's a "cool" (figure 25% of the gauge)level 21, and he just can't figure it out. I assumed that as he got up in rankings, he'd figure it out, but he just hasn't. He will literally just FOLLOW a slower car, and repeatedly rear-end, or keep slowing down to stay behind a guy, even if I press pass every 30-seconds.

I have the Escudo Pike's peak, which has "pretty good" acceleration, and my driver will just keep driving into the person in front of him....

I find myself screaming at the computer often. VERY often.
Get him into a car that can out-accelerate everyone so much that it's 1st coming into the first corner (semi-sarcastic lol) He will cool down as there is no competition near and you can control his pace from there. It's not fair but Bob's incompetence is not fair to us.
BTW a lazy man's way for reducing oversteer/drifting, is placing a ballast in the back. If that doesn't work you can always try aero, LSD and suspension settings.
Remember that you must tune your car well

I also find it annoying how a Bob cools down when he is in the lead, what if i'm asleep and can't spam increase pace? They should implement something where he becomes accustomed to your commands and you don't have to tell him. Or at least some sort of parameter we can set on how high/low Bob's temprament can go.

P.S i gave my new Bob (lvl0) my 1200hp Veyron in the sunday cup and he didn't spin out :embarrassed:
P.P.S i'm thinking of using 1 hot and 3 cool drivers for an endurance race. Start with the hot driver to make my way out of the pack then use the more efficient cool drivers to strengthen the advantage. Is this a good idea?
With all the extra Credits and XP offered by the Seasonal Events over the last few months, I was making so many credits that I chose to create 5 separate playing accounts. I played B-spec in all of them, and built up 5 teams of drivers. Beside the indicated B-spec level, I have listed the level for each driver.


The technique I use for training B-spec drivers is as follows:
1. Choose a driver who is near the middle in temperament.
2. Give "speed up/slow down/steady" commands early in the race to SHOW him where to go faster or slower. Then over the course of the first or second race, reduce your commands to where you give him none - or hardly any.
3. Fire stupid drivers and hire new ones.

For the SECOND driver and those that come after him:
4. Race them in higher-level races again and again with a car that will dominate to quickly accumulate XP. (The Expert Turbo Race will raise a driver from 0 to 8 in one race.) Its common sense, but B-spec 12 drivers don't make the mistakes a B-spec 3 driver does.
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My driver spun out a couple times in my awd Subaru. I put a smaller turbo on and he seems to control a tad better. Between 300-400HP is still over kill for the low level B spec driver....(imo)

For the first race my B-spec bob did he used my maxed out Lambo SV. Didn't spin out once. :dopey: