Any Tips?F1 2010-2016 

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I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
United Kingdom
Anyone got any tips? I am struggling with my first season!
Have you tried traction control?

Don't listen to this crazy guy! If you're spinning you just have to relax more when you drive. Don't accelerate so fast out of the corners. Also, what car are you driving, a McLaren is way easier to drive then a Force India or a Lotus.
Plus keep the revs in mind, you'll spin way easier if you're at the limiter. Same for starts if you're driving with manual gears.
Doing 3 lap races in the lotus. I have tc on full and race with DS3(I have a T500 RS but it's to hard)'ve a T500 but use the pad? Dude, seriously.

You _have_ to play using the wheel and you'll get used to it. It might take a while to get used to it but you'll see that it's way better. :)
Shaggy Alonso
:lol: This is crazy. How spoilt are you?

I personally use the t500 for gt5 and ds3 for f1. I am trying the t500 just now! Any help with the wheel settings?
Steering Deadzone 0%
Steering Saturation 0%
Steering Linearity 30%
Throttle Deadzone 0%
Throttle Saturation 0%
Brake Deadzone 0%
Brake Saturation 0%

Feedback ON
Environmental Effects 100%
Feedback Strength 70%
Wheel Weight 100%

That's what I'm using but I have the F1 rim attached to it, so you might get a different result.
Scottish GT5
I personally use the t500 for gt5 and ds3 for f1. I am trying the t500 just now! Any help with the wheel settings?




... Use the wheel, you will be way faster.



... Use the wheel, you will be way faster.

Hey guys thanks for the feedback! I have tried the wheel but I am much faster in f1 with the DS3??! I have yet to try the setup listed above so will try that tomorrow! Would you recommend TC on or off or what? Thanks
Scottish GT5
Hey guys thanks for the feedback! I have tried the wheel but I am much faster in f1 with the DS3??! I have yet to try the setup listed above so will try that tomorrow! Would you recommend TC on or off or what? Thanks

You just need to practice. I'd practice with TC off so you can learn how gentle you should be with the throttle. Once you get it figured out you 'll be way faster.

No tips today…
(I'm determined to use the 🤬 out of this gif…)
Just want to thank everyone who helped me out! I just can't use the wheel though! It never turns enough and controlling the throttle I find really tricky! Again thank you everyone for the tips! 👍
I understand what you are saying... And I will even send you a brand new DS3... and if you are not using the T500.... :D :D :D

just kidding
Anyone got any tips? I am struggling with my first season!

This is going to sound insane, but try using this set up for just about every track and see how you do. As long as the CPU isn't set to Legendary, you should be able to get a decent handful of finished right off the bat.


Front/ Rear Wings: 9-11 and keep them even with each other (If a course has a lot of tight turns, I would definitely set both to 11)


If you are still getting use to braking, I would use large braking discs on courses with lots of quick tight turns on medium-high pressure.

With respect to braking bias, just know that if you want your car to understeer a little bit easier make the front higher than the rear (53-47) and vice versa if you are on courses like Monza that has a lot of high speed turns (47-53). Just be sure to pay attention to how quickly your brakes heat up and cool down. *Too hot= lock up*


Again this is going to sound crazy, but set both front and rear anti-roll bars to 11 at ALL TIMES not matter what course you are driving on.


Ride height- Until you start to learn how to tune cars on your favorite courses, I would simply keep your front and rear ride height even with each other. I will usually throw my car to the ground for every course (1-3, usually one). The rule of thumb here is the lower the car is to the ground the less down force you will have (aka you will accelerate much quicker, BUT KEEP IN MIND as long as you have your wings around (10-11) you will compensate for it. Also low ride height means less suspension movement, (aka it will be a little bit harder to make your car fish tail around corners). Again, setting your antiroll bars to +11 increases this effect as well.

Spring stiffness- Not matter what course I am racing on I always keep my spring stiffness at +11 for both front and rear. I never change this and again, have it this high will make the suspension much stiffer.

***In actuality, these settings so far aren't going to make much sense, but trust me.... when you play it in the game you find driving to be a lot easier.

Gear/ Gear Ratios:

This is a very tough skill to nail down and requires a lot of testing. Every track is different, so I wouldn't recommend using the exact same ratios, but definitely using one similar shape is a start.

I usually throw gears 1-4 up all the way (regardless of track) then set 5th gears about 25-39 Kilometers slower than 4th gear, then 6th gear about 30-35 kilometers slower than 5th, then to figure out where your 7th gear should be, simply drive the longest straight on the course and make your 7th gear SLIGHTLY LONGER than the rev limiters (when the red lights on the wheel come on). And make sure on this straight you are ONLY USING DRS, do not use any KERS because realistically, you aren't going to dump it all in one spot on the track. *Note: I usually save two settings for courses; One qualifying and race set up. This is going to be your qualifying set up*

Then for your race setup I typically make my 7th gear about 5-10 kilometers shorter than my qualifying setup. Again, with some tracks this may not be the best possible thing to do.


***By far, this is the most difficult setting to understand in this game***

Camber: (imagine that you are standing right in front of a race car and looking that the front wheels) When you adjust the camber on a car, you either making the wheels turn in a inward direction \ / or outward direction / \. When camber is set at the default middle value the wheels won't have any turn in | |. The benefits of have you wheels turn in ( \ / ) *esp on extremely curvy tracks* is that your wheels are constantly resisting each other, on both straightaways and corners. So the major advantage of having your tires turn inward is that you will be able to engage curbs a lot more aggressively (I usually have both F/R around 3.30). But the major disadvantage of have a turn in camber is that you will have slower acceleration (because your tires are resisting each other) and quicker tire wear. ***I would recommend usually staying left of the center value and keeping F/R even for sure***

Toe angle: (Imagine that you are positioned directly above the car and looking directly down on the body) Similar to camber, the toe angle adjusts the angle of the top/ bottom of the tires. ( \ / or / \ ) This setting should greatly differ from track to track. I would recommend keeping the F/R values even with each other and setting both of them one notch away from the setting all the way to the right ( I think one is the values is 0.06 or something)

Here is a Quick version of everything I just said:

Aero (F/R): 9-11 (*I recommend starting at 11)

Brakes: 47-53 or 53-47 (*I recommend making a car understeer first 53-47, then work on backing of on the aggressive use of over braking)

Balance (F/R): Antiroll Bars at +11 AT ALL TIMES

Suspension: Ride Height (F+R): (1-3) *Start at 1, then play around with settings once you get use to a course*
Spring Stiffness (F+R): Set to +11 AT ALL TIMES

Gears/ Gear Ratios:

1-4) all the way to the right
5) 25-39 KPH slower than fourth gear
6) 30-35 KPH slower than fifth gear
7) Qually set up: go to longest straight, using ONLY DRS, make gear slightly longer than the rev limit (AKA when the red lights begin to blink)
Race set up: about 5-10 KPH slower than you 7th gear on your qually set up

Alignment: Camber (F+R) : slightly left generally speaking
Toe Angle (F+R) Slightly right generally speaking


AND THAT IS IT!! I apologize for this being unnecessarily long, but these are the settings that I will typically use on a coure that I am unfamiliar with. It should work just fine on many tough courses like Suzuka or Nurburgring with little adjustments here and there. I would also recommend if you are using a racing wheel with force feedback, to turn off ALL DRIVING AIDS. I promise you, with this setting you won't need them and they will only make you drive slower (no TCS and no ABS for sure) It might take a day or two to get use to it, but it really isn't t nearly as hard to drive without any aids on as it is on GT5 (no ABS in that game is extremely difficult to nail down perfectly) If you have any other questions about F1 2011 set ups just let me know. I would be more than happy to try to answer your questions.

PSN ID- DAshiznit08, GBM_DAshiznit08
That's what I'm using but I have the F1 rim attached to it, so you might get a different result.

Just know that linearity effects how aggressively your car will turn as you begin to turn the wheel. As you begin to escape the 30% the car will turn more normally. I would recommend keeping linearity set to 0% for Formula one driving for sure, because you will probably find cars easier to drive if the wheel is turning at a constant rate. I also love having all of my Force feedback settings set to 100% for every driving game I play, unless I randomly decide to pull out the X1 redbull which can quickly destroy a wheel with force feedback. But if you are using the T500 like I am with the F1 Add-on you shouldn't be worried about damaging the wheel with the FFB settings at 100% in F1 2011. It can definitely handle the strain of setting the force feedback to 100% for all settings. The only times you should be concerned is if you begin to smell a STRONG burning/ hot metal type of smell. Slight heating up is normal and probably going to make a similar smell, but you will definitely know the difference between a strong and weak smell lol Trust me... I recently all thought my fanatec GT3 RS wheel was going to explode because of the smell that was coming out of the vents lol
^^^ thank you very much! I will add you on PSN just now(both accounts???) !
Scottish GT5
What is the settings in MPH?

Just change MPH to KPH lol You get use to it really quick I promise lol. It is a lot easier relating and sharing gear ratios with people haha besides all real f1 drivers use kph : )
Just know that linearity effects how aggressively your car will turn as you begin to turn the wheel. As you begin to escape the 30% the car will turn more normally.

Indeed. It's, after all, meant to simulate how an F1 car would behave. ;)
I can't make gear 5 slower than 4 and 6 slower than 5?
Scottish GT5
I can't make gear 5 slower than 4 and 6 slower than 5?

Push gears 1-4 all the way to the right and make the rest of the gears lightly left of the next lowest gear. Understand?
Push gears 1-4 all the way to the right and make the rest of the gears lightly left of the next lowest gear. Understand?

Understand now! I was trying to get the speed at the side lower than the previous gear! :dunce:
I am 5-7 secs slower than the AI at Canada:(

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