Any way to create new PS name/profile?

United States
United States
Years ago I was dumb and made a dumb PSN name. I know I can't change that without creating a whole new PSN account and losing all my trophies. What I want to know is if there is a way to create a secondary profile for racing and still keep my current GTS progress. Starting over wouldn't kill me, but I'd prefer not to.
Lol. I gotta be honest, there are some names that make me chuckle mid race. Yours isn’t one though. Instead I sit there and try to figure your screen name out and eventually give up
I don't even smoke anymore!

Yeah, they frown upon it but you can create another account and start fresh. You need a different email address, But as Ian said, I really don't think most people would even get it and the ones that do wouldn't really care.

In Destiny 1 I made a female character and then realized that everywhere I went ingame my name would show up deadheadbill. :)