Anyone else have connection issues today?

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United States
I have tried rebooting, and the reconnect button, and nothing is working, so just wondered if it was just me, or if others are experiencing this today?
Me too. Not conecting. Could not save a race in Trial Dragon (FR Challenge in GT League).
'Thank you for buying GT Sport!
Disclaimer: There will be occasions when randomly without warning the game will become unplayable due to a flawed design decision. During this time you will not be able to play the game or save your progress
if you were playing it when one of these moments happen. Refunds will not be issued for reasons such as the game not being playable"
So angry.. had some free time before the Holiday and.. NOTHING! Glad I have some other games that still work right now to play but dang it I was wanting to stock up on some milage points and get some crazy japanese liveries for my hippie van! Urrrrrrgh................... this is so dang frustrating.
What the hell is going on? I had GT Sport working just fine after maintenance and updates last night log on today to kill some time and there is connectivity error? Are you kidding me?? Its been out in east Canada for several hours now... Is there a solve for this somewhere or do I have to wait this out from their end??? Frustrating since I got this game as a Christmas gift
Checking gamefaqs some people in certain timezones are working, unlucky for me its still not working why neighboring countries like new zealand appear to be online as we speak. we all knew this would happen by the xmas break and stupid PD did not listen, one can only hope and wish that after this they listen and allow offline gamesaves
Well I just got back from the hospital, my dad is dying, so I just wanted to try and unwind a little, and couldn't connect so I posted before even reading the threads......if that is being salty, then so be it..I guess everyone here is gonna be like the people on the PC2 forum...GOOD NIGHT!!
Well I just got back from the hospital, my dad is dying, so I just wanted to try and unwind a little, and couldn't connect so I posted before even reading the threads......if that is being salty, then so be it..I guess everyone here is gonna be like the people on the PC2 forum...GOOD NIGHT!!
Sorry about your Dad :confused:
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