Anyone good at interior decorating?


United States
United States
So I live in a 588 sq ft studio apartment, and I'm looking to spiff it up a little since I decided that I will be renewing my lease in March of next year. I'd like to make it a little nicer, but can't do anything that's permanent or paint the walls. So I've been looking at stuff like temporary wallpaper, removable tile decals, etc, but am having issues with color choices. The walls are an off-white color, more of a very light tan. All appliances are white, tan carpet and the kitchen/bathroom counters are a darker brown marble look. Cabinets are your standard light, natural wood.

In a couple weeks I plan on getting a new entertainment center but not sure if I should do the white or go black. I will paint and nail a board to the back of this entertainment center to block out my bed that will be behind it. I will also get a matching book shelf and media shelf to make the whole thing a bit taller.

I guess what I need opinions on are the above mentioned shelves, white to match the appliances or black to mix it up? Which temporary wallpaper would you use for an accent wall? Do the tile decals on all the tiles, or alternate? I'm sure I could figure this stuff out, but if you were in my situation, which direction would you go?

When I get home tonight I'll post a photo of the floor plan with all the furniture plotted out.
If you want an idea of how your entertainment center will look if it is black, then check out my signature. It is the entire setup I spent about a month building in April this year. Most gaming consoles, tvs, and electronic devices are black, so it really seemed to be the best option for me to run all black. Currently I have the PS3, 360, X1 and 2 computers all hooked up in this gaming setup. I even installed electric fans and a dust filtration system. Also surrounded with dark blue light. Its just an example of something you can do.
I think the black would work better because it would help break up all the white. The white entertainment center I think will actually end up being whiter than everything else, and would actually look excessively so... Also, I think the black one would be more versatile for use in future places as well...

Are those the only things that you can do for your apartment? Can you hang pictures, paintings or posters? Can you do a poster like these? I have one of those framed in a black wood frame and hanging in my living room (slightly off white walls), and it looks absolutely awesome.
White furniture = big no-no. Not unless you really, really like to clean. You want to have a midtone, a highlight, and a shadow in each space.
White furniture = big no-no.
My kitchen cabinets, all of my doors and fireplace mantles are all white and we've had no problems keeping them clean and we're very much not clean freaks.
That's not furniture.
Not much difference between my mantle and an entertainment center, really. Once everything is set up, you don't ever tough anything. And my kitchen cabinets are used constantly and aren't filthy.
That's because your cabinets are probably thermofoil or some other kind of kitchen-purposed material. I'm talking about room furniture. Sofas, tables, etc. They always look like crap after a while. My mom used to decorate rich people's homes back in the late 70s. That gives me... a smidge (?) of credibility.
That's because your cabinets are probably thermofoil or some other kind of kitchen-purposed material.
Maple painted Sherwin Williams Alabaster White. :)

White sofa, on the other had, I couldn't agree with you more. Never go light colors for seating.
Are those the only things that you can do for your apartment? Can you hang pictures, paintings or posters? Can you do a poster like these? I have one of those framed in a black wood frame and hanging in my living room (slightly off white walls), and it looks absolutely awesome.
I've got a few things on the wall now (mainly my diecast collection) but will be moving them. I haven't thought too much about posters, etc on the walls. I do have a large map of the US with pins in it for places I have lived/visited.
I live in a similarly sized studio flat, and I highly recommend going with black. It's not a massive space and adding a large piece of furniture will make it seem smaller than it is. The white will exacerbate this because it will be far more eye-catching than the black, which won't draw your eyes so you won't notice it as much.
Black and white. Colours are for losers...or normal people.


Isn't it wonderful?
I agree that if what's already there is mainly white buying black furniture would work well and balance it out. You can rarely go wrong with the black and white look but if it's too clinical you can break it up with colourful cushions, blinds, a feature wallpaper wall or house plants.