Anyone have some recommended settings to try for a Clubsport V2 (or 2.5) for GT7? (ps4 pro, drivehub)

  • Thread starter Nexxus88
I know there is a Logitech and fanatec mode you can set the hub up in iirc, with GTS it was advised to use the logitech mode but dunno if that remains applicable for GT7

Hoping for in game and on wheel settings if its not too much bother, I usually end up using the wheel default setting but GT7 has left me feeling underwhelmed (even more-so then GTS)
I have a csw 2.5 and play GT7 on PS5 with a drivehub with the fanatec native mode (don't use fanalogic it's terrible)

These are my settings:
SEN Auto
FF 100
SHO 100
FOR 100
SPR 100
DPR 100
FEI 60

In game I have FFB strength at 4 and sensitivity at 1

If you want to play around with these, mess with the FEI on the wheel or FFB strength in game. Everything else should be left alone or it will mess things up. Don't go above 5 ffb strength in game, it'll just clip. If the wheel is too strong for you, try in game ffb strength at 3 or turn FEI down to 40 or 50. If you want it stronger, try in game ffb strength 5 or FEI at 70 or 80.

Also, the current best drivehub firmware for the csw 2.5 in gt7 is the beta 8 firmware. The earlier ones have some big gt7 issues and beta 9 reportedly has a bug for some wheels. Beta 8 is the best option at the moment.

EDIT: I just reread you title. Do you have a v2.5 or v2? I might be misremembering, but I believe the DRI setting works differently between the v2 and v2.5, so if you have a v2 you might need to play around with the DRI setting too. If OFF feels weird, try at 1 or -1 and see if either are an improvement.
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I'm on a V2 but I know most people are using 2.5s so I will take what I can get being my use case of this wheel on ps is a bit niche.

Also will look into a firmware update thanks.
I'm on a V2 but I know most people are using 2.5s so I will take what I can get being my use case of this wheel on ps is a bit niche.

Also will look into a firmware update thanks.

Yeah if you haven't updated the firmware yet that's definitely the first step, that's a requirement. Older firmware doesn't have support for GT7, so you're likely having major issues just from that.

After you do that you can use my settings as a baseline if you'd like and then adjust from there.
I have a CSW V2 and would agree with those settings, but there is no FEI on V2. BRF instead is brake force - adjust this while in a car to set max brake force in game for your desired max brake pressure by foot, I’m using 74. BLI controls vibration motor in brake pedal if you have one, at what level it comes on. Not controlled by game AFIK.

Drift is a positive number and just lightens the wheel ”weight” mostly to give a reduction as number is higher.

Agree beta on DH is a bit better, been running 9 and had one weird disconnect but otherwise its similar.

Also using the latest Fanatec FW 689 from the latest Driver package, which all has been very solid, after some rough versions, so would recommend that.

4 or 5 torque max in game and 1 sensitivity.

Definitiely run Fanatec mode on the DH, L mode has a notch in the steering on dead center and the FF is not as nice.
CSL elite is what the DH makes the console see. BTW Fanatec mode is Mode 1 w current DH firmware
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Wait, mode 1? I just see an L or F on my wheel display and have it in F mode the only number I see is the drive hub reading C S 2 for my wheebase
Depends on FW version on DH, 1=F, 2=L in wheel display - DH only shows wheelbase as you noted
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