Anyone interested in running "The Drift Competition"?

Time has gotten the best of good ol Swiss. I am looking for someone to run the drift competition. If you would like to run it please submit an application via PM. :lol: Just kiddin, just send me a PM if you want to take it over. I will then pick someone if more than one person is interested. I thank any takers in advance!
PM sent.(to Swiss Legend)

*EDIT* Sorry I didn't say please so I am saying it here,please.
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I'll think about it, I doubt you'd trust a noob like me to run a comp though :lol:

There's only one way to learn, dig a hole too deep for yourself and try to make it work out. lol

Running one of these comps is not all that hard, it just takes some time out of your schedule. But like anything, the more you do it, better you get at it.

Time has gotten the best of good ol Swiss. I am looking for someone to run the drift competition. If you would like to run it please submit an application via PM. :lol: Just kiddin, just send me a PM if you want to take it over. I will then pick someone if more than one person is interested. I thank any takers in advance!

I'm thinking about it, if no one else comes forward, lemme know and I'll run it for a bit. Can't let the Drift comp slide.
Well, I thank you guys for the interest and offers to run this for me. It is much appreciated :D:tup:
I PM'ed TW awhile ago about taking it back from me. ( I kind of hijacked from him a long time ago:lol: ) I only thought it would be right to offer it to him first.
I thought he didn't want it back (hence the thread), but as you can see he forgot :dunce:.

Thanks again guys, and to Brad.