Anyone know

  • Thread starter Kelly
United Kingdom
At Home
All of a sudden I can't get through to sites and pages from links :confused: It just sits there blank, I have to re-enter the link addy in my bar. I haven't changed any options or anything, but links just don't work for me no more :( Can anyone help ?
I've had this before and it lasted a few months, but that was when I didn't use the net very much, so I didn't care too much.
After a while every thing was back to normal (maybe 4 or 5 months), but if you can't wait, you could reinstall internet explorer (or Windows if that doesn't help). Just my sugestion, I'm not really an expert.
Originally posted by Jazza
Why put this in the Multimedia Forum?

Because it is a computer problem I am having .

Originally posted by f1king
Some links dont work for me either I thought it was because people posted them wrong.

Not just links people post but any links :(