Anyone remember The Cook Report and World In Action ?.

United Kingdom
Somewhere only we know.
Hi folks, i guess most people on here don't know what i am talking about.The Cook Report was presented by Robert Cook an investigative journalist.I can't remember WIA because the programme ended in the mid eighties and would've only been about 2 years old.

Hi folks, i guess most people on here don't know what i am talking about.The Cook Report was presented by Robert Cook an investigative journalist.I can't remember WIA because the programme ended in the mid eighties and would've only been about 2 years old.


Haha that's amazing! I was just about to ask if anyone remembered that Haydn Gwynell thing on BBC2 where she took all her clothes off while Warren thingummy sweated in close-up.

The other thing I was going to ask was if anyone remembered Muffin the Mule, but I don't remember it myself and therefore haven't even heard of it.