Anyone up for making a logo?

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Hows it going everyone? I am posting this to ask for a small favor of someone. I have recently started my own site dedicated to GT5 and am currently looking for a logo to go atop the forums and the main page.

If its too much to ask then I completely understand.

Small requirements that I ask are:

- Logo name is to be "GT5 Fans"
- I am not too picky on colors so something that pops if possible
- Not looking for any background images
- Transparent backdrop so I can overlay it to an image
- Angle doesnt matter too much. Looking for something with a slight upward diagonal angle or I can just leave it up to you creativeness

I am looking to receive the file in a Photoshop file so I can implement it with my Photoshop and use it over an image.

I greatly appreciate any help possible.
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