Anyone wanna join my Lounge today?

In his bedroom.
I'm gonna host my first public lounge today for pure fun with any assists wanted,no penalties,no collisions,no damage,no tire restrictions and easy handling up to 550PP.

Only things i ask is...

1: No superspeedway races. Turning in simple circles bore me.
2: Cutting is only allowed if there is a "Green Section" and rumble strips or something of the sort.
3: Don't complain about the fact that I and some people will assists.
4: Don't be silent. I love to socialize and i wanna make some friends.
5: No rough language,no insults,have an orderly behavior.

In simple words,i just wanna make good,social friends who know how to race decently.

If you think you'd be interested, please send me a friend invite on my PSN.

My PSN is AllAroundGamerJC

See ya on the track! :)