Anyone watching Misfits?

  • Thread starter Danny


Code Red
United Kingdom
Are you kidding?

Genuinely one of the most entertaining shows I have ever seen.

UK users can catch the entire first and second seasons on 4OD. Has anyone else been hooked?
Hell yes! I saw the first season on T.V, then the second season online. I went through withdrawal symptoms when finished it. It's so awesome, especially when
Nathan took a dump on Nikki's bed

God, I really hope they'll make a third season. Have you actually seen them all yet? Would be nice to discuss it without the spoiler text.
Yeah I have, and that may well be the best piece of spoiler text ever!

A third season have been announced but that's it so far! I've been having great fun thinking about who buys a new power and who keeps the same one!
Today i watched last episode to date. First two series were good (first great), but third was just like Heroes unfortunately. In fourth season the simon and Alisha will be missing, so im not sure if it will be good.
Today i watched last episode to date. First two series were good (first great), but third was just like Heroes unfortunately. In fourth season the simon and Alisha will be missing, so im not sure if it will be good.

I think they've taken Simon and Alisha as far as they can. To be honest I'd be happy to have Nathan back and a few new faces.
Watch it also, good series, though Nathan was clearly the most entertaining character in it from the beginning, it's a shame they replaced him :(
Watch it also, good series, though Nathan was clearly the most entertaining character in it from the beginning, it's a shame they replaced him :(

I think it was the other way round though, that he left and they then needed to replace him.

Love the show but hope it actually progresses some more in the next series. Reminds of how Lost would keep me captivated but only in the last episode would the writers go "crud, our current series is nearly over and we haven't moved far! Change something crucial right at the end..."
British science fiction comedy-drama television show 'Misfits' 👍 i like to watch specially this is teh show of young offenders...

A comedy stuff with the science fiction really kill me....:crazy: