Anyone worried that upcoming changes to physics will affect their previous work?


Well known double poster
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Of course we have to wait and see, but it's official now, PD is promising changed physics with the upcoming Spec 2 update. Any tuners and those that like to tune their own cars, worried that the physics will negate their efforts to date?

I have my fingers crossed that they'll just fix the backwards ride height bug and any other bugs in the game but PD has a habit of changing things without a lot of forethought. I am a little concerned.
I was just about to start a thread on this, but yes I am worried about my tunes. I have quit playing GT5 until this new update comes out because I think it will be worthless to even try to tune a car right now.
I was just about to start a thread on this, but yes I am worried about my tunes. I have quit playing GT5 until this new update comes out because I think it will be worthless to even try to tune a car right now.

Yes I am worried,but it should make the game that much more interesting.
i concur, hopefully they fix the ride hide crap and the draft which doesn't affect tuning.

all speculating at this point i'm afraid.
Honestly, no. Ill cross that bridge once I come to it.

We have no idea what changes or affects these changes may have. So I see no point in worrying about it. Ill continue as normal until something actually changes.

Id recommend most people do likewise unless youre RKM, MFT or Praiano with tons of tunes.

Any regular here knows the update will be sussed out in 24 hours, theres some smart and dedicated GT5 players around here. So if anything does change itll be business as usual not long after.
We already anticipated this so we're not too caught up on it. We have the technology, we can rebuild them. All of them. :D
Not that big of a deal to retune most cars. The real challenge will be to figure out what all they changed and how that effects the handling.
With better physics ,bugs fixed,support for the Logitech G25/G27 steering wheels :):) , this will be a new game for me.
I'm ready to begin all again if necessary. If they give me better tools to do this, my future garage will be better than the actual.
News cars, a real test track...... The only real problem i see in all this news, is that it'll be difficult to find time for sleeping.
for me; unless PD royally messes up, i dont expect there to be much in the way of tuning changes.

i don't use staggered ride heights (i tune even ride heights) so if they were to fix the reverse ride height glitch it will not affect me. my tunes follow real world concepts not 'gt5isms'.

again, this is assuming PD doesn't break stuff instead of fixing it.
The only real problem i see in all this news, is that it'll be difficult to find time for sleeping.

...and how will I find time for work and family?
With better physics ,bugs fixed,support for the Logitech G25/G27 steering wheels :):) , this will be a new game for me.
I'm ready to begin all again if necessary. If they give me better tools to do this, my future garage will be better than the actual.
News cars, a real test track...... The only real problem i see in all this news, is that it'll be difficult to find time for sleeping.

While you do sleep, I will be driving the cars you continue to tune.

As to all great tuners here, I am looking forward to saving each of your tunes into the new updated "sheet" and review them all at once! now I can finally add my own tunes and compare. I don't have to paint my cars passionate Pink anymore to remember that those were my tunes.
I'm not too worried.

One thing that got me thinking before i went to bed this morning when he mentioned physics changes was "I wonder if they will make offline feel like online?"If they do this then a majority of tuners will have no worries as i would think many tune for online.
Whatever happens, i'm sure it will be for the best, especially with the ability to save multiple set-ups.
Whatever happens, i'm sure it will be for the best, especially with the ability to save multiple set-ups.

That is one thing I am really looking forward to, it will be nice to have multiple tunes saved so when I race online I can just select it and go instead of rushing to make the changes before a race starts.
Yes the multi sheets will make things so much better. I am excited about it, but also pissed since it's stupid it wasn't already in the game to begin with.
Yes the multi sheets will make things so much better. I am excited about it, but also pissed since it's stupid it wasn't already in the game to begin with.

Now I have 3 or 4 copies of the same car for no reason.
Now I have 3 or 4 copies of the same car for no reason.
Nope still need 3 copies of car. One stock, one I put on share for people to try and one for my own use. The multiple setups will still work great though especially for cars I use in different seasonals or shootouts with different settings.

Just wonder if the multiple setups will be linked to the car so I can give someone a car already set up for multiple events.
I'm not too worried as the only cars I tune are NASCAR cars so its not that hard to go back and retune those. Pretty excited for the tuning sheet tho so now I can have a Daytona, Indy, and road tune at the ready instead of having 3 different cars with different tunes. Makes my racing that much more easier.
The "multiple setup" thing is going to be huge for me regardless of physics changes.

This way I can get something that feels decent, then take 2 other routes to getting the car to drive right, and figure out which one actually works best without having to write everything down. :D
I am hoping that they just fix the bugs like backwards ride height, and don't mess with how the cars actually handle. The thought of retuning 100 cars I've got working perfectly at this point, while it may be a challenge for some, for me it would be covering the same ground over again, that I've already conquered.

Here's to hoping they don't muck it up..👍👍