Anyway to use 2 accounts to increase chances?

Just curious if its even possible as i feel some people might be doing this. Is there any way to have 2 ps3's at your house and use 2 different accounts and run back to back on both accounts so say you dont make it with one ps3, you still have a second chance on the other to increase your chances?
Just curious if its even possible as i feel some people might be doing this. Is there any way to have 2 ps3's at your house and use 2 different accounts and run back to back on both accounts so say you dont make it with one ps3, you still have a second chance on the other to increase your chances?

I don't even think you need two ps3's to do it...but at this point if people are doing it, theres no way for US to know. Since round 2 was canceled, theres not really a worry about someone doing that knocking anyone out either. Cuz they'll have to check eligibility when deciding who goes to florida.
The only way for this to work would be to do a different region with each account. But then you also have to explain in the finals why you had a midwest account when you live in the SE. And you def wouldn't need two PS3's, just two accounts.
The PS3's have their own addresses I believe so if they see someone sign on to the same ps3 as another top guy then they could easily find people cheating. If people lived close by to each other then one person could surely go to his friends house and drive for him to win him a free trip to Orlando, but his friend will look stupid in the race unless he would have been just out of the cut and somehow does well in the race.

Still...would suck if someone who makes it to Orlando cheated.
Well it wouldnt make sense to help out someone who couldnt make it themselves to advance to the finals and would end up looking dumb when they cant drive. It would suck for that person who did put in their own legit effort and couldnt make it cuz you helped your buddy out to advance just so they can say they made it and win a trip to the finals

I know r32autoxer cheated badly last round on both tracks i belive. Does anyone know if
maxxbernstein is legit.
Surely you can use multiple accounts on one PS3. What happens if two brothers share one PS3 and they both want to compete in GT Academy? I can't imagine Sony would bar one of them from competing. On the other hand, Sony has had some pretty serious oversights in the past...

Either way, it doesn't really matter now since the next round is live. If someone is using multiple accounts to bump the competition, Sony will likely invite the first eligible driver to fill the spot.