Apex Kraft Trueno...best sleeper in the game?

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Anybody else a fan of the Apex Kraft Trueno? The car you win from the GT-300.

1) It's lightweight --very lightweight-- at around 2k pounds

2) Has decent power at only around 350

3) Nice, flat torque curve, peaking around 250ft-lbs

And, most importantly....

4) It corners like it's on freakin rails! It's impossible to upset the balence and spin in this car.

Take it to the Tuned Turbo race's and it spanks every car in the race by a good measure......even with only 350hp on tap.

Except the Test Course....since it tops out at 189-190mph in 6ft @ around 8,400rpm with a 4.300 final drive.

This car's deff in my top 3-4 favorite cars.
Its a great car and overall best bet.
My room mate used it exclusively to race against me in many races and unfortunately beat me with it.
Great car and yes, the ultimate sleeper and the car gets no respect.


[lrmarquee]Misnblu < < < < < < < <[/lrmarquee]