Apostrophe problems

  • Thread starter Otaliema
United States
mid west USA
Hi just letting you know if I use Google sheets to type a long post up or a guide etc, I will write it in BB code in Google doc's. When I copy and paste it here I have to manually edit every apostrophe that's inside a BB code line or it wont be recognized as such.

Google Doc direct copy
[url=’https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/threads/the-torque-thread-and-other-little-things-you-might-find-useful.304715/’]The Torque Thread. And other little things you may find useful.[/url]

Manually typed here
[url='https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/threads/the-torque-thread-and-other-little-things-you-might-find-useful.304715/']The Torque Thread. And other little things you may find useful.[/url]

Google Doc direct copy
The Torque Thread. And other little things you may find useful.

Manually typed here
The Torque Thread. And other little things you may find useful.

If you look closely at the apostrophe in the first one, you will see it looks a tiny bit different. it's curved not a little hash mark like the one typed here at the site. The second set of links is what happens to them if I don't edit them.
is it a ASCII code issue not recognizing the the first one a valid a apostrophe?

Edit; grammer corrections.
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Yeah, the bbcode parser doesn't recognize a "curly apostrophe", which Google Docs and most word processors like to use.

The apostrophes are unnecessary; you can leave them out completely (e.g. [url=https://www.gtplanet.net]GTPlanet[/url]) and the URL will still be recognized.

You can also prevent Google Docs from using curly apostrophes by going to Tools > Preferences and then unchecking the "use smart quotes" option.
Thank you Jordan I didn't know that about Google docs I'll make that edit in my system next time I log on it. I used the apostrophes cause they were in the button code so I assumed they were needed. Good to know they are not.