Apparently it's possible to operate remote races, and access the usual user features, with an Apple phone - yet with an actual Sony PSP i cannot?!
It would make sense for them to create a proper psp app for this, rather than trying to operate thru a browser.
Have you tried using the browser on a PSP to do it? I've been running them off an iPhone just using Safari, the built in browser and though it's a bit fiddly, it works. Great for when you're watching TV.
Apparently it's possible to operate remote races, and access the usual user features, with an Apple phone - yet with an actual Sony PSP i cannot?!
depends on where you are, i cannot access the races remotely on my laptop or on my iphone as they both seem to use a form of IE or safari thats not compatible.
i had to download firefox so i can do it remotely on my laptop and im in the UK!