Arcade and license

  • Thread starter Sadat
Hi there ;)

Is it possible to get more cars in arcade mode?
Defeated all levels in easy! All I got was a lousy movie.

And the license tests in GT3, why are they so easy? Okay, the Special License is bad-ass, but spend about 10 minutes on the escudo tests and got bronze. I remember back in the days with GT1 and International A license. Damn man, never forget that sh** :(

Is GT3 just a easier game? 2 days gone by, and I was 31.9 % finish, got all license except S. Defeated all rally, got tons a cars. Or is it just me being superior GT-grand-master of excellencensssmuhhuhaahahaha?

BTW GT3 is tha illest racing game evah!! Except the fact I'm playing the PAL version with borders and 17% slowdown :( (damn ntsc-pal conversion, why they ever invented pal???)

You can unlock cars by playing on normal and every set of tracks you complete you get 1 new car but in order to get the S class cars you have to beat each set of tracks on hard. Also if you beat it on hard it unlocks the car that normal would have unlocked so i just went with hard and unlocked every car in arcade mode. For the last few series of tracks you unlock 2 cars each time and if you did it on hard it would unlock 4 cars.

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