Arcade mode, should it stay or go ?.

Should arcade mode stay or go ?.

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Me personally i like arcade mode, it's good fun and more relaxing.It's also not an arcade game derived, for this part of the game,The physics wouldn't be found, in most or all other arcade games.I'm also thinking if arcade mode is removed, this could make way for different forms of motorsport.But obviously GT#, is less accessible for arcade fans who want more of a challenge & GT fans too.
Arcade is just a mode for quick play. Yes it should stay.

The name might say "Arcade" but it's named that because of its quick casual access, but the driving model and physics don't change as some people would have expected.
"Me personally I..." :lol: Any reason for expressing that something is your own view three times over?!

Yes, there is no reason really whey they should leave out arcade mode. It's there to give you a quick blast around a track with a car of your choice in either single or multiplayer mode. Why get rid of it? If they had got rid of it on the PSP version, there would be nothing left of the game...
Of course it should stay in..
Enough reasons, but I won't waste my time on pointless threads like this by giving them.
"Me personally I..." :lol: Any reason for expressing that something is your own view three times over?!

Are you so insecure that you have to attack everyone with your mindless comments?
Well i find in GT4 i never used it at all except for splitscreen. You could do time trials and exhibition races on any track in GT mode, so Arcade mode was pretty much made redundant.

But i can't think of any good reasons why it should go even though i don't use it.
Why? Because you don't cancel good features of any good game, that's why.
I can't see anyone disliking the arcade mode. And it's not like you have to use it or anything.

Really, to me this is completely pointless.
Reason, because it adds to the game. Again, more options is better than less options. Giving the consumers choice is always my vote.
Arcade should stay, it lets you set up any kind of race you want, so it could basically replace career mode.

It should be improved though, more options and depth. Traditional Arcade would be quick mode, the rest would fall into custom event mode. In there, you can set race rules (laps/time/weather/restrictions/cars/etc) and basically create all possible race events real or imagined.

And of course, arcade should have all cars/tuning options unlocked from the start. That way people who want to play can do so without using up their time, and people who want to do traditional career mode can play their way.
arcade mode should stay because sometimes you just want a few races without the hassle of all those settings to play about with. ( once i see settings i gotta start tampering with them lol )
I think we have a consensus, can we close this pointless topic now?

Arcade mode has always been a part of GT and always will be. Even if the majority of us arn't that bothered because we prefer the career mode.
89.29% + 14.29% = 103.58%

I think that rather than disappear it will be best if it expands and evolve. Many pickup n play features can be added to increase the fun and ease the driving.

Examples of those features may be:
1.- The hability to pickup a turbo that makes you go super fast.
2.- Being able to throw a red turtle that makes the car in front of you crash.

Of course I am not saying that those are good ideas. They are just an example.
I'm also thinking if arcade mode is removed, this could make way for different forms of motorsport.
Game code doesn't take up as much room as the models for all those cars and tracks. If licensed, GT5 could have Season Modes for many different racing disciplines, such as Formula 1, LeMans, ALMS, BTCC, DTM, NASCAR and WRC, etc, and Career Mode too - SCAA and all the above.

The different modes of play are only a matter of deciding which cars, tracks, and rules apply, along with stat tracking. The coding for that is relatively simple. The real coding hassle is the game engine itself; all the physics, damage, weather, lighting/time of day.

So... yeah, Arcade Mode yes. ;)
I don't really use arcade mode at all but there's no harm in it being there so I say stay in.
It should stay, I have found that I use it the most now in GT5P & GT4, since after completing all the events.
I love the ability to set longer laps, that way I can chase down the enemy cars with my driving ability
rather than 2 lap reckless race to the front. Give me mechanical ware, longer laps up to 99, home garage,
the ability to select custom opponents from my home garage, (thus allowing me to create custom races,
combined with a livery editor could create example a field of WTCC cars), but still keep standard AI if I want, choose AI level.
Personally I think it gives a game a longer shelf life.

Not only it must stay. It must be improved. I want to be able to create my own races or championships offline. I want to select tracks, rules and cars I race against.
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