hmm.. is it just me.. or do the settings that i set for my car not apply in arcade mode? just trying to play split screen with a couple of friends and the settings feel really different =[ is there anyway to apply the settings in arcade mode as well?
You should be able to select cars from your garage in 2 player, and the settings that you modified will come into play here. But the physics are Arcade mode physics (slightly different from sim mode), and you have no driving aids.
And, they are enough different to drive you nuts. OK, enough different to drive *me* nuts anyway :-) I consistently turn laps on the Ring *45 seconds* slower in 2 player battle mode than I do in the same car in GT mode. *arghhhhh* It is so frustrating.
i reckon arcade mode is pretty p*ss poor
the only time i use it is if i have a 2 player battle
settings dont carry over, cr*ap tyres, cr*p everything pretty much
not happy