Arcade Mode

  • Thread starter Cap'n Jack

Cap'n Jack

South of the South
Well to me GT4's arcade mode was a bit of a let down, so I figured I'd ask the kind people of GTPlanet on how they think PD could improve on this aspect of the game.

I for one would like to see the return to the way it was done in GT3 - It was more than just doing some random races, it actully gave you something to do. Incase you don't know what I'm talking about - Arcade mode tracks were setup into groups, each of which would be groups of 5 tracks IRC. Basically what you would do is complete these groups in either easy, medium or hard mode, by completing a group you would be rewarded with the next group of tracks and particular cars depending on which difficulty you completed the group in (Sorry if my description was confusing - Explaining things isn't a strong side of mine).

I'd like to see the return of the Time Trial challanges setup aswell. Once again I will explain for those who did not play GT3 or simply can't remember. Basically they were simple time trials where you would have to beat pre-set laptimes. By completing these you would recieve percentage in GT Mode (I believe the same for the arcade mode race completion too).

I'd also like to be able to setup much longer time based races. I guess that is about it, so please tell what you would like to see in arcade mode on GT5!
I'd also like to have a place where I could easliy get the cars in my garage out and race them without a care in the world, instead of, you know, having to do it in Sim mode. and wearing out my car a little more whenever I do it.
I'd like to see a mix of both arcades. I like the GT3 idea you just explain, but i did like the fact that GT4 had a difficulty setting for the opponents. In GT3, hard for me became way too easy most of the time, and it started to get boring. In GT4, on a hard enough setting, it can keep things interesting for awhile.

What I would also like to see though is the ability to customize the race options a little bit more, and the ability to choose what cars your opponent should use. I'm sure PD will pull something off though.
I would like to be able to have a custom tournament generator, one which you could, First choose how many races in the series, then what tracks and how many laps for each track.

Then you have the choice of what cars are allowed to enter by either setting parameters e.g FR cars only, or individual cars that you choose e.g selecting each of the Group C race cars to allowed into the tournament only. This would allow you to race in a tournament which is setup exactly how you want it to be setup. Then it would be a case of adjusting options, e.g Tyre ware On/Off or what compound the cars race in, perhaps even what degree of tuning each car has

I probably haven't explained this very well however for me the more customizable a race, or race series is the more fun/potential fun arcade mode can be.
I never really used the Arcade mode at all, so I guess I dont care. Racing cars that I dont own and that wont add to my overall mileage seems kind of pointless to me.
I never really used the Arcade mode at all, so I guess I dont care. Racing cars that I dont own and that wont at to my overall mileage seems kind of pointless to me.

Well fair enough but that seems a bit of pointless post, if you don't like arcade don't talk about it, unless you are going to tells us how you would improve arcade mode
I would like to be able to have a custom tournament generator, one which you could, First choose how many races in the series, then what tracks and how many laps for each track.

Then you have the choice of what cars are allowed to enter by either setting parameters e.g FR cars only, or individual cars that you choose e.g selecting each of the Group C race cars to allowed into the tournament only. This would allow you to race in a tournament which is setup exactly how you want it to be setup. Then it would be a case of adjusting options, e.g Tyre ware On/Off or what compound the cars race in, perhaps even what degree of tuning each car has

I probably haven't explained this very well however for me the more customizable a race, or race series is the more fun/potential fun arcade mode can be.

I second this (infact i posted an identical idea in the "what race series would you like to see in GT5" thread). I'd just like to add that filtering the cars by horsepower rating would be another good idea to keep racing at its closest.

Also i want to be able to put racing tires on my street cars if i so choose
I second this (infact i posted an identical idea in the "what race series would you like to see in GT5" thread). I'd just like to add that filtering the cars by horsepower rating would be another good idea to keep racing at its closest.

Also i want to be able to put racing tires on my street cars if i so choose

Horsepower isn't the only thing to keep the race close. You have to deal with weight, handling, transmission, etc...
Horsepower isn't the only thing to keep the race close. You have to deal with weight, handling, transmission, etc...
I was about to say that a process of homologation, the new buzzword in sim racing, would be stupendous. This is a process where a variety of cars are set up with performance cutbacks or whatever in higher performing cars so that they perform fairly similarly, setting similar time trial lap times. Without something like this, you're stuck with racing very limited car lists, or having more cars but having a few dominate while a few are outclassed, hurting competition.

This is something that will benefit Career Mode more, but will add value to races in all modes of play.
how about custom weather, road conditions, times of day, number of cars, etc. that'd be awesome. and custamizable race conditions, kind of like your own made up scenario, similar to those of the mission hall's races. I also like the idea of cars close to your class that you can compete with, kind of like a random button and also an option, if you choose so, to pick each opponent individually.

edit: and to elaborate on the whole, make your own scenario, like a mission hall kind of race thing.. the reason i think that would be a good idea is to get practice on a particular part of a big track (nurburgring, mission 34...remember THAT?), and get it TIMED (so you can check your progress), rather than doing a whole lap, or having to turn around and start a whole section again.
I have only very breifly looked at arcade mode in GT4. It is there so a new gamer can get a feel for the game.

I agree it needs a work over for GT5. At least provide some challange for the player to complete in arcade for GT5 as per the first three games.