are there any tuners who...

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* specialize in tuning cars for comfort softs (for racing, not drifting)

* can tune cars well without spoilers or weight reduction or anything that stops the car being used as 'stock'

I've gone through a few tunes here and many of them don't work very well with comfort tyres if they've been tuned for very soft rubber.
Unmanageable understeer that suddenly turns into oversteer tends to happen :nervous:

any pointers would be ace
Suggest you check out some of the Touge tuners around here.:D

The TheCardboardBox is probably a good place to start.👍👍
i have found that a little tweaking of the ballist helps when changing tires, to rear will counteract understear, front vise versa. i went back threw alot of old tunes i had and i liked them alot better after i started using ballist more often.
* specialize in tuning cars for comfort softs (for racing, not drifting)

* can tune cars well without spoilers or weight reduction or anything that stops the car being used as 'stock'

I've gone through a few tunes here and many of them don't work very well with comfort tyres if they've been tuned for very soft rubber.
Unmanageable understeer that suddenly turns into oversteer tends to happen :nervous:

any pointers would be ace

You can't run stock races if any parts are installed so there's not any real need for tuning; just engine power management and ballast
I try to specialize in doing tunes different than others. For example track specific or part specific. If you have a car with certain parts etc in mind ask in my garage and I'll give it a shot.
I've gone through a few tunes here and many of them don't work very well with comfort tyres if they've been tuned for very soft rubber.

Unmanageable understeer that suddenly turns into oversteer tends to happen :nervous:

Yep, because alot of tuners on here either don't use comfort tyres or tune offline.

Alot of "grippy" rubber is used that can mask deficiences in the setup, these become acutely prominant when you take away the grip (given by the sticky rubber) and are left with the mechanical grip and (normally "lack of") balance (because it was tuned offline and people are using it online) that the suspension / lsd has.

You don't mention what kind of PP range and car(s) you're neeeding this for..??

When you have a half decent setup it's quite suprising how much grip and balance you can get from comfort softs or sports hards up to 500-550pp when online racing.

The car(s) being used can also have a big impact too, obviously a car that has natural balance and grip is going to be alot different to something that is like trying to wrestle a wild animal on crack.

It's hard to give out specific advice without knowing PP range, type of cars, tracks and race distance etc etc.

Shorter races you can "over tune" the car to help heat up tyres quickly, whereas longer races you'll need to balance grip and tyre wear, so tyres will take a little while longer to heat up sometimes, and you'll have to be less aggressive with the setup and driving.

On some tracks, "normal" driving will be suffcient to heat the tyes, other tracks you need to help get heat into them - but you gotta get those tyres up to operating temperatue (preferably - fr and rr at the same time / speed) as they provide little grip (if using a highish pp) and you don't want to be wasting/loosing grip if the tyres aren't heating up enough.

So driving style and steering sensitivty can also play an important part also - a smooth style might not heat them up enough, an aggressive style will wear them out too quickly.

The only thing that works for all is basic balance in your setup - there's so many different variables to consider, wthout knowing more it's almost impossible to give any kind of specific figures for any part of the setup.

Getting balance should be the same for all, whether it's a low pp road car on comforts or a Le Mans 650-700pp racecar on racing softs.

Alot of guys will setup their cars on lesser tyres than whatthey need to feel the balance, then put he correct (stickier) tyres and also aero on after.

A good balanced setup should be able to handle tyre and power changes without any major changes to the setup itself - but again, there's so many different variables it's hard to be specific..

thanks, man. i'll have a look there now.


I tend to range from 400pp to 500pp, roadcars almost exclusively for the most part.
I only play online and i'm handy enough in just about any car, though I regularly get served by more skillful pilots.

I find that above 500pp on comforts or sports/hard the racing is less intense in general, because 90% of people can't be consistent in powerful cars but they'd never admit it and somebody always has a spin.

All the tunes I have are from the GTPlanet tuning houses (thanks guys), but the ones i've tried are all built for sports soft or racing soft and have ABS1 and crazy brake biase like 6/7 or 7/10 and big wings etc.

Some cars take the change to comfort soft tyres really, really well, such as the Praianotuned 86 GT or the MFT Chrysler Crossfire, two 450pp street cars with perfect balance and grip.
Other cars are just awful with the change to low-grip, such as the Enzo and RX-7 Bathurst I got in Praianos garage.
(not detracting from the tunes because I tried them with the tyres they were tuned for and they were excellent, i'm simply using them wrong)
I don't really need every car weight reduced to the max or fully tuned up until it's almost a race car. Kinda unnecessary when I have dozens of unused race cars in my garage ;)

I suppose i'm looking for a street tuner if such a thing exists.


weight reduction and engine tunes are irreversible, which prevents using the cars in rooms with tuning prohibited. I like to race in 'stock' rooms too and i don't have much duplicates or deadwood in my garage.
Check the 40PP Nurbugring shootout thread as well. I want to say there were about 30 tunes on CS tires, though they were for offline use. There is a link in the FITT thread stickied at the top of this forum.
Check the 40PP Nurbugring shootout thread as well. I want to say there were about 30 tunes on CS tires, though they were for offline use. There is a link in the FITT thread stickied at the top of this forum.

My 2 tunes for the shootout were ONLINE OK. :)👍


LOTUS ELISE 111R `04 // 420PP // Comfort soft- ONLINE OK