Are we seeing only one main Gran Turismo game this console generation?

  • Thread starter skingg
For the past two generations of consoles, PSone saw GT1 and GT2 while PS2 had GT3 and GT4. Now if history repeats itself, we would have been playing the GT3 equivalent which instead we have GT5:Prologue. And seeing that GT5 proper takes quite awhile to be released and when it does, expect to see all sorts of updates and patches it brings with it. And then we have GT Mobile on PSP. So, Gran Turismo 6 on Playstation 4 perhaps?
Wouldn't be at all surprised. The key is online updates. You couldn't really do that for ps1 & 2 but that's changed with PS3's native online mode. I expect there'll be a lot of downloadable expansions for GT5, sold through PS store and any tweaks to physics, etc will be pushed out across PSN, rather than having to release a complete new version.

I also wouldn't be surprised to see an upgrade path from prologue to the full version, again through PS store. They'll charge us less for the privilege but that will be offset against the savings they'll make on not having to provide packaging and media so, with a bit of luck, it'll be a win-win situation for both us and PD.
I also wouldn't be surprised to see an upgrade path from prologue to the full version, again through PS store. They'll charge us less for the privilege but that will be offset against the savings they'll make on not having to provide packaging and media so, with a bit of luck, it'll be a win-win situation for both us and PD.

I dont know about that! The PSN version of GT5p costs £24.99, where as I can get the proper Blu-Ray disc version online for £19.99 with free delivery.

Your post makes total sense, but in the real word the disc based copy can sometimes be cheaper than the virtual downloadable copy.

As for the OP....yup, looks like there will only be one GT on PS3 (GT5).
GT5 full version life cycle 2010 - 2015 as a bare minimum would be my forcast. However hopefully it is released Xmas 2009 World Wide.
The PS3 is gonna die in terms of support from video games in 2016. Then by around 2014 they are gonna start the PS4. Which is six years away.

We might see only one GT game for the PS3. Then comes in PS4 and the cycle continues on.
With DLC, I don't see a point in a sequel anyway. A full game would just take too long to make. The only thing I ask is that the DLC be reasonably priced. The packs released for Forza 2 were a bit expensive, imo. The only downside is hard drive space. Oh, and people who don't have online... nevermind.
I thought we already heard somewhere that GT5 already pushes the PS3's capability, meaning all they can add on PS3 is DLC.
Well there's no need to make huge updates (graphics,physics) as they had to between GT3 and GT4 because GT5p is pretty impressive as far as these points are concerned !

However they can still update the game by for example : polishing the graphics,add new cars (not really healthy for your HDD),fix graphical hitches or improve the physics and sounds !

That's what they're doing with prologue and I guess they'll do it with the full GT5 ,so there's no reason to make us buy another game !
With DLC, I don't see a point in a sequel anyway. A full game would just take too long to make. The only thing I ask is that the DLC be reasonably priced. The packs released for Forza 2 were a bit expensive, imo. The only downside is hard drive space. Oh, and people who don't have online... nevermind.

An Idea: Produce a version of GT5 later on with all DLC on it, again for 39.99, (by then the original one would be reduced), or produce a more expensive version of the game that means you are 'immune' from paying for the DLC (is that even possible?)
i reckon just before the ps3 is to be replced by the ps4 they will bring out Gt6 for the ps3 to boost their sales for an older generation ps3. then when the ps4 is made a couple of years later we will see prolouge of gt7 for the ps4.
It could be. Unless PD wants to use models from GT5 for GT6 for quicker development, then there COULD be only one GT for the PS3. Having said this, a lone generation of a game on one console has to deliver. You don't want to fall on your face with a lackluster version of a game on one console. Considering Sony's 10-year plan with game systems, who's to say that there won't be a new GT for the PS3 before heading into the PS4 realm? Unless you count the various non-major GT games for the PS2, then there are several other versions including GT Concept and GT4 Prologue including all the customer versions of GT4 (like the BMW one, for example).

I'm not speaking in any degree of confidence with my post because I'm pretty unsure altogether. But if I had to choose yes or no, I'd have to say... no.
I think it is quite possible that there will be only one generation on the PS3. As long as GT5 is amazing, I don't think this will be a problem.

Slightly off topic, do you guys think there will be a higher HD standard by the time PS4 is released? (I mean better than 1080p.)
IMO, they'll make even second game for this generation of console, as always. We will see GT6 on PS3. Car models are perfect without any doubt and I think they have even more detailed models than PS3 is now capable already stored in their computers. GT6 will be better in all other aspect like physics, track and surrounding landscape quality, smoke effect etc.
I think so.

GT5, and then downloads - untill GT6: Prologue, proaably at the very beggining of PS4 (around 2012) - they will not make the same mistake as they did with first "version" of GT:HD back in 2006.