If you dont have any help by the time I get home from work ( 5pm CST ). I'll post up what I have.
I have the Raybrig NSX and the Denzo SC430 and both are tuned pretty solid.
Both arent tuned to the max as I've kept them to meet spec in online racing. Although the two models I have differ from what your asking for, the vehicle specs are identical so it should give you at least a base tune for you to work with.
I've blown all my credits attempting to buy every GT500 and GT300 in the game but havent had the time to tune them all and compare them to each other.
Here are two tunes that I linked from Wienish tuning and Avid Racing.
They are for the Takata Dome NSX and Epson NSX so maybe it'll get you started in the right direction.