Artistic Competition (?) - Market Search/Interest Thread

Please, read the first post of the thread, before answering the poll.

  • Are you interested in a new photomode competition?

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Yes

    Votes: 10 52.6%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • No (Don’t need to answer the other questions)

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • ____________________

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Would you be interested in the reviving of the Artistic Competition?

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Yes

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • No (Don’t need to answer the other questions)

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • ____________________

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • With the same Rules ([URL="

    Votes: 10 52.6%
  • With different Rules ([URL="

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • ____________________

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • What week format would you like the competition to have?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Weekly

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • Bi-weekly

    Votes: 11 57.9%
  • ____________________

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • What duration would you like the competition to have?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Never Ending (Normal/Standard)

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • Season (10 week – Break – 10 weeks)

    Votes: 7 36.8%
  • ____________________

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Poll System:

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • One choice poll

    Votes: 7 36.8%
  • Multiple Choice (limited to 5)

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • ____________________

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
This is only a «market search» about a new or a reviving of the Artistic Competition, that was held by Swissbear, back in 2006. I am still thinking on some rules and such, so I decided to do this poll, to help me decide on some things. In more 3/4 weeks, after seeing a more uniform decision on each option, I’ll post all about the competition.

Poll Rules
This poll is a multiple choice poll. Please vote on the correct options. Do not vote on the questions or in the risk marks: (___________)
All questions have a question mark (?) after the sentence.
This poll will be private, so no one will see were you voted.

Explanation of the Poll Choice:
Are you interested in a new photomode competition?
No (Don’t need to answer the other questions)
Generally speaking, this is just asking if you are interest or not in a new GT4 Photomode Competition. Whatever the competition. If no is the answer, you don’t need to answer the other questions, since you have no Interest on this manner. If you checked Yes or Maybe, please past to the other one

Would you be interested in reviving the Artistic Competition?
No (Don’t Need to answer the other questions)
For the ones who don’t know what the Artistic Competition is, please, check the links on this thread.

With the same Rules (Artistic Competition)
With different Rules (Artistic Competition)
I recommend to read the first post of the Artistic Competition, if you don’t know or don’t remember the rules. I can give a quick reference to it. Basically, in the Artistic Competition, there is no Photoshop rules. You are free to edit whatever you want on your entry. Has long has it hasn’t any image from the web, or it is all from GT4. The Themes were open, but the winner of the previous week could decide wheather or not to put a week theme.

What week format would you like the competition to have?
Weekly – 7/8 day format.
Biweekly – 15 days format.

What duration would you like the competition to have?
Never Ending (Normal/Standard)
Season (10 week – Break – 10 weeks)
Would you like the competition to be like the others (Never Ending) or a season type (10 weeks - 15 days to 1 month break – more 10 weeks….)

Poll System:
One choice poll (Standard)
Multiple Choice (limited to 5)
One choice poll is a standard poll, like many other competitions have, when you can only chose one piece of art.
Multiple choice poll, is a poll where you can chose the best pieces of art, but it will be limited to only 5 votes, otherwise we would have people voting on every picture.

That’s all for now. Once there is a uniform decision and votes, I will think on the next steps.

If the competition goes ahead, the news will be posted on this thread.

Please, I also encourage leaving your opinions on the thread. I'm open for comments, advice, criticism, etc. If you have any questions, please do it on the thread.
I wouldn't mind a comp like this coming back. But in all honesty I really don't think it'll last very long.
Hey LdS, i know that the GT4 Rally comp has ended and everyone wished that the comp would still go on. I mean just look at the poll in this thread!!! Doesn't that say a lot? You know, i would like this comp to be run as well, but maybe your just asking too much. I would still prefer you run the Rally comp over this one since there is more interest in that comp than this one. But then again, its not me to decide how your going to run the comps and all.....Oh well, wish you luck reviving this comp! Your really gonna need it! 👍

As for the link beside the With the same Rules (Artistic Competition), With different Rules (Artistic Competition), why does it lead to the same page? Is there a difference between them? :confused:
Hey LdS, i know that the GT4 Rally comp has ended and everyone wished that the comp would still go on. I mean just look at the poll in this thread!!! Doesn't that say a lot? You know, i would like this comp to be run as well, but maybe your just asking too much. I would still prefer you run the Rally comp over this one since there is more interest in that comp than this one. But then again, its not me to decide how your going to run the comps and all.....Oh well, wish you luck reviving this comp! Your really gonna need it! 👍

As for the link beside the With the same Rules (Artistic Competition), With different Rules (Artistic Competition), why does it lead to the same page? Is there a difference between them? :confused:

I know, I know, the last Rally Competition week had 22 entries, and all entries are absolutely awesome, but I doubt that, even if I continue that competition, there would be more than the entries that it had during the past weeks. And there is this thread:;
Where when I said that I was going to close the Rally competition, there was like, 13 people who voted Yes and 10 persons voted No, and still, on the week after that, not even half the persons that voted Yes had entered.

What happened with this last Rally week was that I wanted to give it a last good week, so I invited people to drop an entry. I know, there was people who I forgot (and I my apologize to them (this community is huge, I can’t remember everyone), but still there were people that have entered (before I have started the invitations).

Now, let’s get on topic. The thing is, since back on August, there was mention and a maybe interest on the Artistic Competition. I have been thinking of reviving it since then, and on the thread when I said I was closing the Rally, because of the lost of interest, there was people talking about bringing back, or to lunch a new competition. So, here it is. This is only an interest thread..

Has for your doubt, it is: The same rules has the Artistic Competition or different rules has the artistic competition. It’s the same competition, so it has the same links.
So, any thoughts about this competition revival? I really would like to hear/read the comments, advices or criticism about it.
For the looks of it, it doesn’t seem to have too many interest though. I’ll wait a phew more days thought.
Well right now LDS you've got a 11/3 yes/no ratio. That's pretty good news for it only being in its second day in existence. I like comps like this, it's kinda hard not to be able to enter plus I think it lets you express yourself more than in other comps.

As much as I don't think it'll last, I'll be there to help it how I can. I'd probably enter a comp like this fairly regular.
So, I am seeing that the interest is good. I’ll try to host this competition in the near future (1/3 days).
I just need to sort some things first, make some banners, etc.
I can already add that it is going to be a two week competition (+/-15 days each week), mainly because, it is a free edition rule competition. The last week winner can choose between no theme and a open generalized theme. Specific themes don’t work well with artistic competitions.
The specific rules don’t are to much different from the ones in other competitions that running actually.
In polls, there won’t be any top 10. All images will enter the poll, mainly to try to avoid discussions that the images X is more artistic that the image Y, and art is subjective, so anyone has their own view of what is art. The poll voting system will be 1 vote only, to try to obligate the voter to have a more critique about the image and chose the one that likes or think it is the best.

Any doubt, question, just ask. If all goes well, I can start off tomorrow or Friday.