As to be expected: new GT, more pointless threads

the Interceptor

We've known some details about the upcoming GT:HD for a few weeks now. Logically, it got its own topic in this forum, to keep all the information together.


The thing that bugs me already about it, and I think it's going to get worse in the next weeks and months, is the amount of absolutely point- and useless threads that were, are and will be opened about GT:HD. Altough we all only know some minor basics about the game, people already ask questions we can't answer yet (it's not like all the informed members keep all their knowledge for themselves, is it?) or we can't answer at all (cause we aren't PD).

Others ask questions about things noone really cares about... Will you buy all your cars in yellow in GT:HD? If some are not available in yellow, which colour will you choose? What tires will you use? Will you use tires at all? ...

The third group can't be bothered to read the threads (or even the thread titles) in this part of the forum and just post away information that has been known for long.

I mean .... come on! It can't be that hard to use a forum. Most of the people can behave here, so why can't a few? It just takes a little bit of intelligence and a few minutes of clicking and reading to find out what you need to know, see if an information has already been posted or think about your poll again, because noone will care about or even be able to properly vote for the options you give.


Sorry, I had to...
the Interceptor
I can only reiterate what -Fred- has said in the sticky at the top of this forum...

So, please do not post threads asking questions regarding the game, since at this point everyone is pretty much blind.

So please, don't clutter this section with threads we don't have answers to, else we'll have to reinstate the thread approval process.

You are quite right to point this out, but arguably the best way to voice your disapproval of a thread (or posts) is by providing feedback via the reputation system, the reporting system, and/or simply not to contribute to those threads that you think are pointless...
Well, as it seems not too many people do read the stickies. Otherwise, they wouldn't open their threads.

And to be honest, I don't see much point in "voicing my disapproval" in the reputation system in this very case, because you can't see who gave you a positive or negative reputation anymore, and why. Reporting is no solution either, because then, I can pretty much report any thread being opened in this section. And I only post in those threads very rarely. I do try to avoid them, but especially the polls pop up again all the time if you click on "new posts", because they are being marked with that attribute not only if somebody actually posts, but also if someone contributes to the poll.

Paradoxically, this thread could be understood as being pointless as well. But then again ... if there wouldn't have been any pointless threads in the first place, this would not even exist.

the Interceptor
And to be honest, I don't see much point in "voicing my disapproval" in the reputation system in this very case, because you can't see who gave you a positive or negative reputation anymore, and why. Reporting is no solution either, because then, I can pretty much report any thread being opened in this section.
Yes, perhaps the reputation system is not that useful in this regard, but reporting certainly is. Atleast that would bring a thread to the attention of a moderator, who would then be able to make a decision as to the merit of the thread.

The fact is that people want to discuss the game, and yes, alot of it is speculation - but I disagree with the contention that every thread in this section is pointless... there are infact some very useful 'factual' threads, and some interesting debates/discussions about future incarnations of the game.

I think everyone who is browsing and/or contributing to this particular forum knows what to expect - since the game hasn't been released (or even finished) yet, you can't expect too much from the discussions you might find here - but take from it what you will...

If you see a thread that you find particularly irrelevant or a thread that has had it's day, then you should report it and appropriate action might be taken. But the whole point of this place is to generate discussion, and a balance has to be found between encouraging new and original debate and stiffling it.
Yes, perhaps the reputation system is not that useful in this regard, but reporting certainly is. Atleast that would bring a thread to the attention of a moderator, who would then be able to make a decision as to the merit of the thread.
Okay, I can do that next time I stumble over one of those.
The fact is that people want to discuss the game, and yes, alot of it is speculation - but I disagree with the contention that every thread in this section is pointless... there are infact some very useful 'factual' threads, and some interesting debates/discussions about future incarnations of the game.
I didn't mean it like that, not every single thread here is pointless. There are some very good ones, but based on the knowledge we've got now, and given the fact that we haven't got any new information lately, pretty much everything is said at the moment. There still is plenty of room for discussion, but I don't see any point in asking questions about information that's just not known or posting some again that is known.
I think everyone who is browsing and/or contributing to this particular forum knows what to expect - since the game hasn't been released (or even finished) yet, you can't expect too much from the discussions you might find here - but take from it what you will...
It's not what I expect from the discussions here, it's more about what people do here. We know what we know and everybody else does. We already discuss the things that are worth it (like the microtransactions). But we also discuss things like how many Skylines will be in the game and similar things, which is pretty pointless in my eyes.
If you see a thread that you find particularly irrelevant or a thread that has had it's day, then you should report it and appropriate action might be taken. But the whole point of this place is to generate discussion, and a balance has to be found between encouraging new and original debate and stiffling it.
I encourage a proper discussion, but I just don't like to see any section of a new GT being filled with at least 2/3 of pointless threads, which could have well been avoided.

For me personally, that's pure ignorance. People just don't care if others might be interested in their polls. People just don't care if their "new" information has already been posted. People just don't care if their question has already been answered. It's not like you lose your legs if you read and click around a bit. Can it be too much to ask?

the Interceptor
Paradoxically, this thread could be understood as being pointless as well. But then again ... if there wouldn't have been any pointless threads in the first place, this would not even exist.

the Interceptor

The proverbial chicken and egg... or to be more accurate - pointless thread & rant situation...


plus rep for this thread, i think thread approval should be activated now because it will get out of hand with un answerable questions and questions like "Is ferrari really in GTHD?"
i think there should be a thread made specifically for questions that dont deserve their own forum.

Good idea buickgnx88, there is already such a thread in the GT4 forum... I reckon this will also happen in the GT5/GTHD/GTWhatever forum 👍
Others ask questions about things noone really cares about... Will you buy all your cars in yellow in GT:HD? If some are not available in yellow, which colour will you choose? What tires will you use? Will you use tires at all? ..

Although I couldn't care less what colour a car is in the game, that stuff is important to some people who play it. Especially kids. And it is a game, and how people use it to have fun is their business, and I reckon they have every right to interact on this board with others who feel the same way. Maybe you need to chill out a bit.
Although I couldn't care less what colour a car is in the game, that stuff is important to some people who play it. Especially kids.
Yeah, I noticed on several occasions in the past that expecially young members ask questions like these. However, I never understood how the information they get helps them in any way. I mean ... after the flame war, they will probably know that some people will buy their cars in yellow if available, while others won't. That was fairly obvious before waiting for the result of the thread already, so why open a thread in the first place? I rather think that it's the attention they get and the thrill of belonging to a huge community that makes them open it. And as they have no real reason to do so, they just pick a random, meaningless subject. At least that's the reason for most of them.

And it is a game, and how people use it to have fun is their business, and I reckon they have every right to interact on this board with others who feel the same way.
You are absolutely right. Still, this forum is not only for discussion, but also for gathering information. The latter gets very hard though when it is obscured by tons of threads noone really needs. And that even leads to more useless threads, cause people start asking questions they couldn't find the answer for in that mess.
A forum is defined by its community. If the community doesn't work, the forum has problems. But it can only work if everybody does his/her small part. If some few try to keep it together, while the rest just messes everything up, everybody will have a hard time. That's so unnecessary if some people use their brain now and then.

Maybe you need to chill out a bit.
Actually, that's part of the process. Still, from time to time, I just have to state my opinion on this.

the Interceptor
I'd make it so that to post a topic in this forum it has to be veiwed/read by a moderator or such and they can then approve or deny it.
Or there could just be a few moderator-made threads, such as Cars, Tracks, Soundtrack, Gameplay, Menus, and General. That would severly cut down on the amount of nonsense threads.
I always like it when people make threads making the shocking new announcement that Ferrari is in GT:HD, even though we've known it for ages and there's usually a thread on it somewhere enar the top of the sub-forum.