You take 1 car mod that is optimized for mod A, then the next day you have a different car mod from another modder that is optimized for mod B. There's your problem, now you cannot use both of those mods
All vanilla ac cars works even better with csp, which also automatically downloads for you the configs in case there are avaliable so that's not right, all mods work with csp while not all mods work without.
There no other reason not to optimise your mods to vanilla game other than being lazy.
This doesn't make sense, why would be a modder lazy for ADDING more features which take time, I think it's exactly the opposite, I mean, you are lazy enough not to download a mod so
CSP is just not enough, like you said you still need to set it up, which is a complete mess
It's not a complete mess at all, there are literally boxes to tick and you can also share and load premade configuration, I could give you mine in one click.
And if you really want to make your AC look good, you first need CSP, then you need SOL, then you need a different version of SOL that enables time changing and weather changing, and then you have the ppfilters and let's not forget about the track light settings,
You don't necessarily need SOL to make your game look good, CSP has its own weather implementation and some filters are specifically made for that. All SOL versions do the exact same thing, they are just updates, get the latest one. Not sure what you mean by track light settings? configs? Those are automatically downloaded if you have cm and csp, tracks that don't work with sol are usually just really old mods, every new track or vanilla ac content works fine.
while you end up with a game that was released 30 GBs and is now 150 GBs. It's just overcomplicated for what reason? The reason is lazyness, when you can't be bothered to adjust your car to the vanilla base game.
Latest CSP is 47.2 MB to download, not sure where those GBs come from honestly. And "adjusting" csp features to vanilla game it's just not possible. How in the world is that lazyness? I don't get it, you just can't. Everything csp offers is an overhaul of vanilla ac, pbr for example cannot work on vanilla, nothing to do about that, and a car without it will never look better than a car that has it, so again, no reason to make stuff for vanilla ac that would look worse.
You are basically asking Polyphony Digital if they could release GT7 optimised for the PS2 because you don't want to get a PS5 and set it up to play GT7 but you still have a PS2. Or telling VW they are lazy for not making replacement parts for your Mk1 Golf because they are now only making the Golf Mk8.
I'm just telling you that no one would make worse and outdated mods because someone refuses to use csp, you can avoid using it if you like but you can't expect people to do stuff for it.
If you need help with CM, CSP and SOL I can help you set everything up in 10 minutes without any Youtube tutorial, if you don't want because this is your idea and you won't change it for whataver reason, at least stop calling modders that work to implement always new features lazy, the lazy one here is probably just you.