Astro Bot (PS5)

  • Thread starter Fezzik
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Full scale sequel to the excellent PS5 pack-in Astro's Playroom and the incredible PSVR game Rescue Mission. Out in September. A proper 3D platformer to (hopefully) rival Mario. Will include cameos and outfits from the whole history of Playstation, including Gran Turismo.

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Yeah, the PS5 included game was surprisingly good and a fantastic trip down memory lane for PS fans. The music is still stuck in my head too 😂

Looking forward to this new one.
Yep, also on the hype train for this one. Got my pre-order in. Playroom is also the first game that the wife and I platinum’d together.

I really want this to do well, then maybe we’ll get some really good fun and lite hearted games rather than the dark, brooding violent stuff we get all the time.

Give me some cartoon slapstick violence instead.
My daughter and I have spent many hours playing Astro’s Playroom so this is a must buy for me.

It’s kind of crazy how a free, 4 year old game is still one of the PS5’s best exclusives. It shows what developers can do when they aren’t held back by previous generation consoles.
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Started playing Astro's Playroom again to get 100% in the game. I also did the DLC where you had to save Maria from Bloodborne. I think they have some more DLC coming in the next weeks that is similar to the 1st one
I watched that today. It looks like this might be a game of the year contender. I'm trying to wait until Christmas to get it but that might not happen 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣