We should ask PD to implement an auction house where we could:
- put cars for sale for fixed prices
- put cars for bidding
- do trades, like you want to trade with someone, you send your car and it stays in the server until the other person sends his/her car and then both receive the car (no more fake trading and scams)
- allow gifting any car (whatever price) at least once a week
- these cars could be stock or tunned
- selling/bidding/trading parts and paint chips would also be nice
This has so much potential, but its up to them to ruin the game we like with patches like 1.07.
Would you guys like something like this in GT5?
Can the moderators add this to the feedback, please. Thank You.
- put cars for sale for fixed prices
- put cars for bidding
- do trades, like you want to trade with someone, you send your car and it stays in the server until the other person sends his/her car and then both receive the car (no more fake trading and scams)
- allow gifting any car (whatever price) at least once a week
- these cars could be stock or tunned
- selling/bidding/trading parts and paint chips would also be nice
This has so much potential, but its up to them to ruin the game we like with patches like 1.07.
Would you guys like something like this in GT5?
Can the moderators add this to the feedback, please. Thank You.