Audi R8 5.2 FSI Quattro '09 Tune

United States
This is what I've come up with, I'm no tuner though, but I test and tune all my cars on suzuka and this one came in 3rd by milliseconds under my '06 rm vette and my lambo 'lago 670-4 sv so its a monster and this tune is pretty good. Hope it helps.

Oh yeah this is with NO wing or aero.

Transmission top speed: 224 (optional)

Initial: 7/7
Accel: 18/20
Braking: 5/20

Torque: 40/60

Height: -15/-10
Spring: 10.2/12.7
Dampers Ext: 7/5
Dampers Comp: 4/6
Anti-Roll: 3/5
Camber: 2.7/2.1
Toe: -0.25/0.20
Braking: 8/4

Soft race tires of course.

I ran a 140.424 on Monza with it and I'm not a good driver with a controller so it seems more stable to me now.
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Thank you so much. I got this car & put everything on it, couldn't get the tuning down. I'm off to try it now, thanks again, I'll let you know if it improves my driving :)
I gotta try this today when im out my shop. It seems bout right. I changed my spring rate with my ZR1 and it still spins out like crazy. I have 910hp, and 825 to the rear. Do you think this setup will work for the ZR1?
i have done 1.37.501 at Monza with a few tweak on racing soft. Below is the small adjustment i have done. Mainly is to square away the understeer. By adjusting the torque distribution, it doesn't understeer as much as before.

Torque: 30/70
Height: -12/-10
Spring: 10.0/12.7

I'm using a G27 wheel though.
After applying deadcat777's tweaks, all I got to say is make sure you're half throttle around the corner and only full throttle when you're completely out of it; some understeer issues, mine's at 660hp[578pp]. It just doesn't seem like it wants to turn properly, adjust to the rear needed. Lapped Tsukuba at 54.933 with this, though.