Automotive Photography Competition #18 - Poll

  • Thread starter Pebb

Who wins, you decide!

  • GBWH1991 [URL=

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Southampton, UK
Congratulations to Moglet on winning Automotive Photography Competition #17!


Deadline for Entries: Friday 2nd January at 11:15pm UK time.


1. The entered picture must be taken by you and not just found on the net.
2. Only one photograph
per person.
3. You may not change your photograph once it has been entered.
4. Your image must be no more than 900px on the long edge. If it is not, your picture will not be in the voting thread.
5. Each entry must also include a small thumbnail, with the long edge being 400px.
6. Shots must be taken between January 2007 - Current Day.
7. Each photographer cannot vote for their own photo, they must vote for others.
8. The picture should get submitted with the following: Subject, Location, Date and Camera used.
9. Levels, Curves, Colour Balance, Brightness/Contrast, Hue/Saturation, cropping, or anything else capable in the development process or with filters and common special lenses are allowed to use in Photoshop or other image editing softwares. Other adjustments and effects are not allowed to be used in your picture.
10. No HDRI shots allowed

Note: There will never be any themes.
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I will enter, just need to go out and get a good shot to use now that I have my new 8.2 megapixel camera.

I am just wandering, after seeing it used in some galleries, would we be able to photograph a model car? Not just basic cars or anything, good quality and something interesting? I have a small collection of 1:18th scale models which are high quality.

Or if this is not allowed, would it be possible for me to set up and run an automotive model photography contest? Sort of like this one, where there is a competition each week with a poll for voters? I am sure I could manage this and do a good job of running it.
@ homeforsummer - That is amazing!!

I will have a photograph up tomorrow at some point, I will have to find a good subject in the day.

Click for the full size

Two Italian Cars and Two German Cars
Hampshire, UK
October 2008
FinePix S9500​
My 1998 Audi A4 1.8l
Kings Heath, Birmingham, UK
Kodak EasyShare C813 - 8.2 Megapixels


Large - 900px -

I photographed this outside my house, the bonnet had a bit of frost, so I thought it would be a good subject. This was the best shot I had due to my camera batteries dying after taking three pictures... I will be practicing a lot when I get new batteries tomorrow, and will go to better locations for the photographs and have some better compositions. I have been stuck in the house all day feeling a little ill today.

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