Automotive Photography Competition #19 CLOSED - Please vote in poll

  • Thread starter GBWH1991


Dundee, Scotland
Sinner Bopper
From now on, I will be running the Automotive Competition each week, as our last host has decided to take a break from the running of the competition.

Firstly I would like to thank TVR&Ferrari_Fan for all the good work he has put in to running the competition.

The rules for future competition during the time I am running the competition:

-Each competition will end on a Friday at 6pm GMT. This gives chance for people to engage in religious activities, rest and time with family on Sunday.

-Entries must be in by 5pm on a Tuesday, no exceptions. If your work is not submitted by then then you must wait until the next week.

-All entered photographs must have been taken between January 2008 and the present day.

-Enteries must be posted as a thumbnail without extending 400pixels on the longest side. Full sized images may be no larger than 900pixels on their longest side.

-You must only submit your own photographs, do not post anyone else's wheter from the internet or if someone you know took the photograph.

-Any watermark you place on your image must be in any corner of the image as long as it does not obstruct the subject of the image.

-Only one photograph per person. You can not change your entry.

-You must not vote for your own photograph when the Poll is up. Only vote for a photograph taken by another enterant.

-The photograph must be submitted with the following information: Subject, Location, Date and Camera used.

-Levels, Curves, Colour Balance, Brightness/Contrast, Hue/Saturation, cropping, or anything else capable in the development process or with filters and common special lenses are allowed to use in Photoshop or other image editing softwares. Other adjustments and effects are not allowed to be used in your picture.

-No HDRI shots allowed

-Photography of model automotives (taken to look more than a toy/model - have to have a hint of realism) is now allowed. *note*

Congratulations to Alex for his winning entry for competition #18.

For competition #19 entries must be in by Tuesday 13th January at 5pm GMT.
The poll will be up at 5:30pm GMT on this day and will end on Friday 16th January at 5pm GMT.

I will need someone to voulenteer to take my place at running the competition if I am going to be away. Please PM me if you will be able to fill in for me at any given date - I spend a lot of time with my Grandfather and he dosn't usually ask me to stop with him until the last minute which is usually 2 days notice. If this occurs I will need someone to run the competition whilst I am away.

Thank you for taking time to read this and I will hope to get a good number of entries on Tuesday 13th January.

If you have any questions regarding the new rules, please PM me and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

*note* -- Photographs that are submitted of models must be more than a photograph of a model. It must have something special to it, like making it look real or even using composition and positioning to make the model look in proportion to surroundings - e.g. A model may be set up on a driveway but the photograph actually looks like it is a 'real' car in a real setting.
This will only be a trial as I need to asess whether this idea is working/valid, and to make sure we don't all just start submitting photographs of model cars each week. This will be discontinued after this week - a new competition has been set up for Models.

My Entry:

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Thanks to TVR and FF for running rounds 1-18 and GBHW1991 for continuing it. Really happy I won the last comp with an entry which was disqualified the week before :D

However, I can't really get any photos of cars unless I travel a reasonable distance and find something worthwhile, and I cant really take my camera to silverstone college.
Also, why have a limit on the full size picture? Jeez if someone puts all that effort into an entry at least let it be seen at some stage for all it's worth.

Good luck:tup:
The limit for the full picture size is so that it won't stretch people's screens.

I am sorry that it is too difficult for you to get photographs, I am in that situation too, my last entry was of my car outside my house because I can't afford to get anywhere decent for a good shot... I can only just afford to drive to college and back at the moment, my car uses too much petrol, and the traffic dosn't help either...

I may make an exception to include motorcycles in the competition if that would make it easier for you to enter something, as I consider any form of motorized road/track vehicle to be automotive. I tend not to include gokarts and such, but pretty much anything else is OK by me. It could make for some interesting contrast between entries.
Glad you took over. Sadly, I will use recycled old photos, since I won't be getting any new stuff 'cause of the weather. Ah well, I have hundreds to chose from. :P

Unfortunatley, Sphilli, we can only use photos from this year. However I might be going to the autosport show on thursday :D
Unfortunatley, Sphilli, we can only use photos from this year. However I might be going to the autosport show on thursday :D

Hope you have a good time if you do go, last motor show I went to was in 2007
Right then

I will post a full size limitedto 900px and thumbnail etc. tommorow I'm very tired, but this is what I'm entering,
Still no themes?

I may add themes, but I will want oppinions on this from all the people who enter on a regular basis.

Glad you took over. Sadly, I will use recycled old photos, since I won't be getting any new stuff 'cause of the weather. Ah well, I have hundreds to chose from. :P


Have you displayed these old photos before? If not, I could ammend the rules to allow old photos to be used with the condition that they have not been posted previously - e.g. they will have to be 'new' to us.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this? If I allow old photos that have not been shown on the boards, would you all agree?

UPDATE: I have added a trial idea for the addition of allowing photography of model automobiles. This may or may not be pernament, I have to asess whether it will work. Please check the main post to find details for this new rule.
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Still no themes?

What I was thinking too. Since the ownership has changed perhaps it'd be something to consider?

EDIT: Just seen the post above me :)

I'll still probably enter this week, when I find a decent shot, but themes would be a worthy edition.
If there are a few more replies that are in agreement to add themes to each week, I will be willing to add this as a feature for competition 20 and onwards.
Please suggest any themes you may want to be included if this feature gets the go-ahead. I have a few ideas as follows:

-Model automobile photography. (In support of the new rule I have added)
-Motion. (Shot must be taken of an automobile in motion e.g. car is driving down a road, or if possible *within legal limits* in a field/open space getting some dirt/smoke flying up, with a bit of excitement and activity)
-Closeup. (not just a shot of the badge, but maybe a closeup of an area on the automobile with the badgde out of the line of sight - only visible if you look for it)
-More than one automobile in the photograph. (Whether it be a whole car, or the nose end poking cheekily into shot)

So please comment on my ideas, and list some of your own. Please remember to keep the ideas realistic to everyone, as it would be a shame for long time enterants of the competition to not be able to enter some weeks due to a theme that they simply cannot use, e.g. a theme where the main subject must be a Ferrari - some people, maybe quite a few, may not have access to a Ferrari at all. Not even a dealership within reasonable distance.
I've already voiced my opinion on model photography and themes here:

I just don't think it'll be a fun competition unless there is some consideration with the entrants. If I'm aloud to chose any photograph I took over a year, I'm not going to put much thought into selecting. If you theme it, it will give something to think about, both in terms of entry and judging for the vote. The contrary is give a timeframe in which the photographs are allowed to be taken, so that people can go out and shoot for the specific competition. I don't think the latter is reasonable though...
You can only choose a photo you took this year, so in the last 9 days. I think a laidback theme would be nice, like 'blue' :lol: or something and have a blue car or blue sky in the shot or blue lighting etc.
I've already voiced my opinion on model photography and themes here:

I just don't think it'll be a fun competition unless there is some consideration with the entrants. If I'm aloud to chose any photograph I took over a year, I'm not going to put much thought into selecting. If you theme it, it will give something to think about, both in terms of entry and judging for the vote. The contrary is give a timeframe in which the photographs are allowed to be taken, so that people can go out and shoot for the specific competition. I don't think the latter is reasonable though...

I have read through that thread, and can see where you are coming from but I can also see from the perspective of Speedster502 I know how hard it can be to get a good photograph of a car. I have to go out of my way to get decent photographs...

I don't want people to have to stop entering the competition due to them not being able to get photographs of real cars - I don't want anyone to have to stop entering, including you, Exigeracer but there is a difference between not being able to enter due to a situation such as living in the middle of nowhere and not entering because you don't want to see model cars included in the competition.

I don't want to cause any tension or make enemies, but I don't want people to not be able to enter, and quite frankly it is up to anyone wheter they choose not to enter.

What would people say to me starting a second competition, just for model car photography? It could bring out some creativity and interesting results. I have models of the General Lee and Starsky and Hutch's Gran Torino, but there is no chance I could photograph either for real. Same goes for most model cars I own. There would have to be a limit on scale, such as between 1:32 and upwards, as these are the only scales that can retain some decent details and accuracy (with a few exceptions). There could be more in-depth themes too, such as movie cars, or an unusual location for a car to be seen - whilst keeping it remotely realistic.

If people would like too see this, and would even enter, I'd be happy to set up and run that competition too - I only have college three days a week, so have a decent ammount of spare time to run two competitions at once.
You can only choose a photo you took this year, so in the last 9 days. I think a laidback theme would be nice, like 'blue' :lol: or something and have a blue car or blue sky in the shot or blue lighting etc.

Then what about this?
-All entered photographs must have been taken between January 2008 and the present day.

A photo in the last 9 days is going to be tough for many. The weather hasn't exactly be kind everywhere.
Very true, the weather here has been changing between ice and just really cold, and occasionally snow - thus no real car pics from me yet, I will get some tomorrow though.

Still deciding to go with a real car shot or a model car shot for this one. I'll just experiment with both tomorrow, it's too dark to get any good pics now...
I'll enter gladly with one my newly shown shots, but I'd just like confirmation on how old the photo can be. Jan 2008 or Jan 2009?
Even vague categories like Blue are good, in fact they're great. I like critiquing photos in my mind when I vote on competitions that have themes and judge how the contestant interpreted the theme and how it is portrayed in their work. Same goes for when I would enter something of my own.

As far as models goes, I'm totally fine with participating if there are separate contests for model photography and real car photography. Hell, I'm fine if you interchange between real and model within the same competition (in fact, I'd probably prefer that), but bottom line is that the two cannot be compared side-to-side. They are entirely different forms of photography that require entirely different skills and equipment. You have to realize that if you want to be a car photographer but don't have access to the right subjects, then you've got to change your aspirations. If I can't buy a paintbrush, I can't really complain that I can't enter a painting competition. Be creative as well. With good composition and control over the variables you have (the camera you're shooting, there's a lot!) can enable you to create magnificent car photography regardless if it's a Lamborghini or a beater Opel.

Check these photos - they're not showcasing a supercar. It's an economy car that costs a few thousand dollars that I'm sure you could find but is still showcased very pleasantly.
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Thanks Exigeracer. I will start a new competition for Automotive Model Photography today, I'll have a thread up soon - need to asses rules and guidelines first.

Rules for this competition are ammended to exclude models from week 20 - too short notice for this week. Also, themes will be added next week too.
Very nice shot, TVR. Is that your own Subaru? Much better than the Subaru's around Birmingham - they have all been modified mostly untastefully...
I've had a sudden attack of the photography competitions...

Ron Kiddell, Nissan Skyline GTR, Brands Hatch, Nikon D40, 1st November 2008​
Good to see that some things have definately evolved from this thread. The new model competition thread looks like it should work which means this competition can stick to the full size cars. Theme wise, although I like the idea of GBWH1991 coming up with themes, why not follow the GT4 Photomode idea? That is that the winner of each week then chooses the next weeks theme. So say if Exigeracer won week 20, then he could choose the theme for week 21 etc. Just an idea.

Anyway, my entry is from September of 2008. (Thank you Roo)

RAF Marham
Citreon Saxo VTR Rally Car
Canon EOS 350D 55-250mm Lens
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car-to-car shot of 1969 Chevelle, ex-I-6 car, now Yenko clone with a roller 502 and 4-speed, 600 hp, shot outside Mexico City, in the interstate to Cuernavaca, second half of 2008, for Maxi Tuning Mexico magazine.

And I also vouch for a themed competition, AND for this one, so I can showcase some pictures I’ve taken in the past and ALSO having something to chase for with a theme.
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Great entries from everyone here. I have been saving and uploading full sized images to my photobucket account (all in a separate folder/album so people can see they are not my own - except my entry).

I will do this for each competition. this way I can start an archive for all the competitions whilst I am running them.
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