- 510
- Dundee, Scotland
- BopperJr
- Sinner Bopper

Week 22.

Congratulations TVR&Ferrari_Fan
1st TVR&Ferrari_Fan - 5
2nd Cano and LongbowX - 3 each
3rd BonzaHarry - 1
4th GBWH1991, NTX1982 and Speedster502 - 0
Theme for week 22 - Close-up. For this, the photograph must be a close-up of a feature on the subject automotive, e.g. Exhaust pipes. Try to pick a feature that is quite interesting, rather than just a close-up of a dull looking doorhandle - if the doorhandle is interesting and/or different than most then that could be used.
The rules:
-Each competition's voting will end on a Friday at 6pm GMT. This gives chance for people to engage in religious activities, rest and time with family on Sunday. (Deadlines near bottom).
-Entries must be in by 5pm on Tuesday 3rd February, no exceptions. If your work is not submitted by then then you must wait until the next week.
-All entered photographs must have been taken between January 2008 and the present day.
-Enteries must be posted as a thumbnail without extending 400pixels on the longest side. Full sized images may be no larger than 900pixels on their longest side.
-You must only submit your own photographs, do not post anyone else's wheter from the internet or if someone you know took the photograph.
-Any watermark you place on your image must be in any corner of the image as long as it does not obstruct the subject of the image.
-Only one photograph per person. You can not change your entry.
-You must not vote for your own photograph when the Poll is up. Only vote for a photograph taken by another enterant.
-The photograph must be submitted with the following information: Subject, Location, Date and Camera used.
-Levels, Curves, Colour Balance, Brightness/Contrast, Hue/Saturation, cropping, or anything else capable in the development process or with filters and common special lenses are allowed to use in Photoshop or other image editing softwares. Other adjustments and effects are not allowed to be used in your picture.
-No HDRI shots allowed
For competition #21 entries must be in by Tuesday 3rd February at 6pm GMT.
The poll will be up at 6:30pm GMT on this day and will end on Friday 6th February at 6:30pm GMT.
I will need someone to voulenteer to take my place at running the competition if I am going to be away. Please PM me if you will be able to fill in for me at any given date - I spend a lot of time with my Grandfather and he dosn't usually ask me to stop with him until the last minute which is usually 2 days notice. If this occurs I will need someone to run the competition whilst I am away.
Thank you for taking time to read this and I will hope to get a good number of entries on Tuesday 3rd February.
My entry:

Audi Dealership Shirley/Solihull
Kodak EasyShare 8.2 MegaPixel
Standard settings, just cropped in photoshop to give it a better (in my oppinion) close-up.
I chose this because due to the angle of the photograph the car looks flat, slightly distorted which I find interesting as the whole photo does not look distorted.
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