Automotive Photography Competition 46

  • Thread starter LongbowX

Week 46.


Week 45 Results!

Congratulations to 80Y 2C2! ^^; It was extremely, extremely close again this week. Thank you to everyone who voted. And thank to everyone who entered as well!

-80Y 2C2---3
-Joey D---0

Winner: Week 44 - Theme chosen by LongbowX


THEME: In LongbowX's words: "Since it hasn't been done in a while - this is an open theme. The usual rules apply, however there is no particular theme to submit for - except of course it has to include an automobile (or motorbike!) of some kind. "

The rules:

-Each competition's voting will end on a Friday at 5pm GMT. This gives chance for people to engage in religious activities, rest and time with family on Sunday.

-Entries must be in by 5pm on a Wednesday, no exceptions. If your work is not submitted by then then you must wait until the next week.

-All entered photographs
must have been taken between January 2008 and the present day.

-Enteries must be posted as a thumbnail without extending 400pixels on the longest side. Full sized images may be no larger than 900pixels on their longest side.

-You must only submit your own photographs, do not post anyone else's wheter from the internet or if someone you know took the photograph.

-Any watermark you place on your image must be in any corner of the image as long as it does not obstruct the subject of the image.

-Only one photograph per person. You can not change your entry.

-You must not vote for your own photograph when the Poll is up. Only vote for a photograph taken by another enterant.

-The photograph must be submitted with the following information: Subject, Location, Date and Camera used.

-Levels, Curves, Colour Balance, Brightness/Contrast, Hue/Saturation, cropping, or anything else capable in the development process or with filters and common special lenses are allowed to use in Photoshop or other image editing softwares. Other adjustments and effects are not allowed to be used in your picture.

-No HDRI shots allowed

Entries must be in on the Wednesday at 5pm GMT.
The poll will be up at 5:30pm GMT on this day and will end on a Friday at 5:30pm GMT.

Thank you for taking time to read this and I will hope to get a good number of entries on Wednesday the 9th of September.

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Open theme. :D

I want to make new people feel welcome, so when you asked if all had themes - I decided that an open theme would not be a bad thing since one hasn't been done in a while.

Very nice shot, as well. ^^ I considered doing a "racing" theme before - but not everyone goes to racing events and I would like to get as much participation as possible each week...
Do motorbikes count? as i only really have an Renault Megane-Scienic to photograph really *YAWN*.
I probably should ask... is selective coloring allowed?

LP670-4 SV
Skytop, PA
June 2009? idk
Nikon D40x
ZOMG - I'm not supposed to come first for another few months. Thanks everyone who voted. :D

I fear, however, that this will be anything but a winning streak. I hadn't the foggiest what to enter for this (apart from existing stuff in my gallery - but...y'know) so please don't think of this as a front runner entry, more over an artistic photogaphic expression which just so happens to have a car in it.

Porsche GT3R

Eastern Creek Raceway, Sydney


Nikon D60
ZOMG - I'm not supposed to come first for another few months. Thanks everyone who voted. :D

I fear, however, that this will be anything but a winning streak. I hadn't the foggiest what to enter for this (apart from existing stuff in my gallery - but...y'know) so please don't think of this as a front runner entry, more over an artistic photogaphic expression which just so happens to have a car in it.

Obviously you underestimate yourself too much. ^^ I think your faraway shots are lovely, I don't shoot nearly enough of them myself. And I enjoy the "painting" sort of look you give them.

Click for the full size

Aston Martin DBR9
Goodwood FOS, UK
July 2009
Nikon D90​
Obviously you underestimate yourself too much. ^^ I think your faraway shots are lovely, I don't shoot nearly enough of them myself. And I enjoy the "painting" sort of look you give them.

Why thankyou :D.

1956 Buick Special

Auburn Auction, Indiana


Canon Powershot A630

Duuuude - that is trippy as! Love the angle and the colours - it really makes it all look '50s.
Great effort 👍
I've run out of space on my Photobucket account and have just found out the maximum for a free account has been reduced from 1GB to 500MB. Until I get round to pruning it, I've started on Flickr, but I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing - so instead of a thumbnail, I can only give a link.

BMW E30 M3
Brands Hatch
6th September 2009
Nikon D40
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Thanks Scaff!

No problem, I use Flickr and to set up as above you need to use the Xx500 size image as an actual image link, then highlight that and paste in the biggest Flickr image as a web link.

Quite easy once you get used to the Flickr layout.


Oh my - I have just loaded PS (I had it, didn't load it because my computer was full, bought a new HD, never installed it because wires had to be changed, got round to changing only to find the printer wouldn't work, THEN found a folder which was essentially 16GB of lead that was useless....long story) and the vignetting!!! oh the vignetting :drool:. Ok, if anyone has tried to get some vignetting going on in GIMP, they'll know it's hard work and it doesn't pay off (that winning R8 shot had some - believe it or not) and I did it in PS and it took but a minute and lifted the quality of the shot up soooo much.

My shots won't be so bad in the future, now I have loaded PS. 👍
Oh my - I have just loaded PS (I had it, didn't load it because my computer was full, bought a new HD, never installed it because wires had to be changed, got round to changing only to find the printer wouldn't work, THEN found a folder which was essentially 16GB of lead that was useless....long story) and the vignetting!!! oh the vignetting :drool:. Ok, if anyone has tried to get some vignetting going on in GIMP, they'll know it's hard work and it doesn't pay off (that winning R8 shot had some - believe it or not) and I did it in PS and it took but a minute and lifted the quality of the shot up soooo much.

My shots won't be so bad in the future, now I have loaded PS. 👍

Heh. ^^ Excellent. Your shots weren't that low quality to begin with, so I'd like to see them now.

Oh, and Soullessvessel - that's a very nice shot. Dramatic angle.

Holden Commodore
Oran Park Raceway, NSW Australia
30th of August 2009
Canon 5D​

👍 Liking this shot a lot. It shows so much energy, without relying on motion blur. The dirt and marbles in the foreground are a great touch too.
Final Entry

Corvette C6.R GT
Mosport Int'l Raceway
29th, August 2009
Canon Rebel XTi

So many amazing entries this week. ^^ Like Avantimes!
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Definately some kick ass entries. itll be a tough one to vote on. everyone has taken such great photos... hmmm looks like i may have to just go with my favoirite car this time around
So many amazing entries this week. ^^ Like Avantimes!
It is a strong week for entries, which is always good to see, and many thanks for the comment.

Given that it was an open theme I wanted to go with something a bit different, and many would say that fits the Avantine rather well.

