Automotive Photography Competition 50

  • Thread starter LongbowX

Week 50.


Week 49 Results!

Congratulations to NISM0_SKYLINE! ^^;

Thank you to everyone who voted. And thank to everyone who entered as well!

-80Y 2C2---1

Winner: Week 48 - Theme chosen by Roo


THEME: In Roo's words: "Green. Interpret that how you will. "

The rules:

-Each competition's voting will end on a Friday at 5pm GMT. This gives chance for people to engage in religious activities, rest and time with family on Sunday.

-Entries must be in by 5pm on a Wednesday, no exceptions. If your work is not submitted by then then you must wait until the next week.

-All entered photographs
must have been taken between January 2008 and the present day.

-Enteries must be posted as a thumbnail without extending 400pixels on the longest side. Full sized images may be no larger than 900pixels on their longest side.

-You must only submit your own photographs, do not post anyone else's wheter from the internet or if someone you know took the photograph.

-Any watermark you place on your image must be in any corner of the image as long as it does not obstruct the subject of the image.

-Only one photograph per person. You can not change your entry.

-You must not vote for your own photograph when the Poll is up. Only vote for a photograph taken by another enterant.

-The photograph must be submitted with the following information: Subject, Location, Date and Camera used.

-Levels, Curves, Colour Balance, Brightness/Contrast, Hue/Saturation, cropping, or anything else capable in the development process or with filters and common special lenses are allowed to use in Photoshop or other image editing softwares. Other adjustments and effects are not allowed to be used in your picture.

-No HDRI shots allowed

Entries must be in on the Wednesday at 5pm GMT.
The poll will be up at 5:30pm GMT on this day and will end on a Friday at 5:30pm GMT.

Thank you for taking time to read this and I will hope to get a good number of entries on Wednesday the 7th of October.

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Final Entry

Volkswagen Scirroco
Waddington International Air Show 2009
Canon EOS 350D

Not my best, but I haven't been to a car event in ages to get some shots.
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Just a quick pointer, but I actually got three votes in the last photo comp, not zero ;) I'm afraid it was TVR&FF who walked away empty-handed...

Time to find something green, anyway...

Click for the full size

Aston Martin DB4 Superleggera
Thruxton Race Circuit, UK
12th September 2009
Nikon D90​
Just a quick pointer, but I actually got three votes in the last photo comp, not zero ;) I'm afraid it was TVR&FF who walked away empty-handed...

Whoops. Fixed. I was sitting in a hallway at school doing this, and my contacts were terribly dry. I even remember thinking "How could his entry get no votes, it was so good?!". Hahaha...

I have a feeling he might not end up so empty-handed this time...

Driffield Rally, UK
5th July 2009
Nikon D40​

(Whoops, appears I accidentally scaled it to 800 pixels, not 900. Never mind! Thought I'd try something different with this one)
Norris Designs Evo SWB

Fuji S2 Pro
Castle Combe Rally Supercar Day - September 2009


Ohhhh dear. Some stunning shots everyone - especially TVR&Ferrari_Fan. Sadly, green is not a common sight on cars in my collection, so again I will have to be the one that lets the side down this time.

The car however, was a masterpiece from every angle :drool:.

Aston Martin DBSZ Concept

The Classic Throttle Shop, Sydney


Nikon D60
I agree with 80Y 2C2, I don't have many green shots but I'll throw this one in.

Austin Healey Sprite

Mad Dogs and Englishmen Car Show


Canon A630
This was tough, I was trying to think outside the square and had plenty of good ideas but I haven't had the time to go out do a shoots, so here is one of the very few green cars I have a photo of. I really had to dig through my library to find a green car as well. Not a very good image either but oh well...

Nissan Sylvia S14
Oran Park Raceway, NSW, Australia
Canon 5D​
I don't think I've ever used this one...

Final Entry

Jaguar Muscle Milk Trans Am Car
Mosport Int'l Garage Area
June 21, 2009
Canon Rebel XTi
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